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The name "Uriel" means "God is my Light" in hebrew. He is also Dante's guide through the many levels of Hell in, "The Inferno". Which is the first of three books collectivly known as the "Divine Comedy".

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Q: Who is archangel uriel?
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What is Uriel the archangel of?

Uriel, which means God is my light, is the archangel of wisdom.

What did Archangel Uriel do?

Uriel is named as an archangel in some Jewish and Christian traditions but not in the Catholic Church. The only archangels named in the Bible are Raphael, Gabriel and Michael.

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Nothing says he did.

When was St. Uriel born?

St. Uriel is an archangel in some Christian traditions and is not believed to have a human birth date since he is considered a divine being. His feast day is celebrated on July 28th.

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No, there are only two archangels mentioned in the bible: Michael and Gabriel. Two others are mentioned in other writings: Raphael and Uriel.

When was uriel the archangel born?

Uriel (אוּרִיאֵל "God is my light) was one of the archangels of post-Exilic Rabbinic tradition, and also of certain Christian traditions. See related links below for more information:

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The cast of In Advance of the Landing - 1993 includes: Sherrie Rose as herself John Shepard Hill as himself Archangel Uriel as himself

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Only Michael is specifically referred to in the Bible as an 'archangel'....Jude 1 v9, 1 Thessalonians 4 v16. (Other traditions and the apocryphal books regard others as archangels, namely Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael with many more in Greek Orthodoxy). In the Bible, Gabriel, the angel who announced the birth of Christ in the Bible, is labelled simply as an 'angel' rather than an 'archangel'. Some believe that by reading scriptures we learn that Michael is actually Jesus, Michael is Jesus' heavenly name, that Jehovah (Psalm 83:18) gave him. However, this is speculation and not borne out in scripture at all.

Who is St Isaiah the archangel of divine mercy?

The only archangels named in The Bible are Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Isaiah is not an archangel.

What is a uriel?

Uriel is believed to be the name of one of the Archangels.

Who was Saint Raphael the Archangel?

Saint Raphael is one of the Seven Archangels in Christianity (along with Saint Gabriel, Saint Michael, Saint Uriel, Saint Selaphiel, Saint Jegudiel, and Saint Barachiel). He is mentioned in the Book of Tobit.

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Archangel Jhudiel is believed to be an archangel in some Christian traditions, associated with mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. Jhudiel is sometimes considered one of the seven archangels alongside Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, and Barachiel. However, it's important to note that archangel Jhudiel is not recognized in all Christian denominations.