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Jesus Christ is the son of God who was sent to the earth to save us from sin.

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jesus is the son of god to set us free from our sins and show us how much he loves us

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Q: Who is Jesus Christ and what is His mission for us?
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Christ mission to the world?

The mission of Jesus Christ to the world is to destroy the works of devil and save us the fire of hell and bring the heaven down on the earth.

Who is Jesus Christ and what is his mission?

He is Emmanuel, or "God with us." He came to earth to die for the sin of the world.

Who was Jesus Christ and what is his mission to the world?

Jesus Christ is the son of GOD. The second person in the Holy Trinity. GOD in the flesh. He was sent to earth to save his people from their sins. He accomplished this by dying on a cross, and rising again. The perfect lamb of GOD. This is foretold in the old testament scriptures and fulfilled in the new testament. All who put their faith and trust in Jesus and what he has accomplished for them will be saved. By grace you have been saved, through faith in Jesus Christ, not by good works, so no man can boast. By Christ and Him only we are saved.Jesus Christ was and is the son of God and his mission to the world is to save us from our sins, and so give us eternal life.

A 200 word essay on Who is Jesus Christ and what is His mission to the world?

jesus christ was the son of god. jesus loved the world so much he died for us so that we can be saved. jesus said iam the way the way,truth,and the life.his mission was to who soever to believe in his name would be saved. he said repent in my name an your sins will be washed away

What is the mission of Christianity?

The mission of Christianity is to preach the good news of Jesus Christ (or Gospel) to everyone.

How did Christianity begin with Christ?

At the wedding in Cana Jesus revealed himself to his friends as the Son of God and began his mission. During the next two or three years, Jesus and his followers spread the Good News and taught about Love. Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, he gave his followers the job of carrying on the mission, teaching the world about Love. As Christians, we are called to carry on Jesus mission in our actions. Christianity began with Christ because he began the mission and called us to carry it on.

What is the mission of Christ for the Nations?

According to the Christ for the Nations website, the mission of the organization is to "impact humanity with the Gospel of Jesus Christ". This is done through missions, devotion to the cause, philanthropy and worship.

Why do we show respect to the cross?

there's where Jesus Christ died on the cross. Jesus Christ saved us!!

In whose name do you need to pray Jesus or in the name of Jesus Christ?

We can pray in either names Jesus or Jesus christ and he will hear us for sure.

What were the prophets mission in the bible?

to preach, and teach about the gospel of our lord and savior jesus christ.

Is Christan?

Yes, They're mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through their music.

What was the political background of Jesus of Nazareth?

Jesus Christ had no political background. His calling was much higher then mere man made politics. Jesus' mission was to come to earth to die for man's sin. Politics compared to this calling is dung! Jesus suceeded in His mission when he died on the cross, was buried, and was resurrected the third day. The salvation that Jesus provides for us today must not be taken lightly. Soon the day of salvation will be gone and mankind, those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Savior will be doomed forever.