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Q: Who is Hanuman and why was he able to jump so far and change forms?
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Who is Hanuman Why is he able to jump so far and change forms?


Which mountain did Hanuman jump to cross Indian Ocean?


How would your ability to jump change on the moon?

You will be able to jump six times higher on the moon because the moon's gravity is 1/6th of Earth's.

Other forms for ambush?

attack jump assault jump waylay surprise

Can elephans jump?

No elephant can jump. They are to big stupid. They are the only manmal to not be able to jump

Would you be able to jump on the moon?

you would be able to jump on the moon. the moon's gravity is 1/6 of earths gravity so there is a bit of gravit but not alot so you will be able to jump abit

How do you change then i jump in from the diving board into future tense?

Then I am going to jump in ......................... Then I will jump in...................... Then I am jumping in..............

How high can the average elephant jump?

it can't jump it to much weaght

When did the term Broad Jump change to Long Jump and why?

Broad Jump is standing still but the long jump is with a running start then jumping

When did the term Broad Jump change to Long Jump.... and why?

Broad Jump is standing still but the long jump is with a running start then jumping

Can pregnant women jump on a trampoline?

Pregnant women can (are able to) jump on trampolines, but they shouldn't

Why is your cat not able to jump on bed?

Cat's should be able to jump on your bed unless it is very high. or maybe your cat is too fat.