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The main God in Buddhism is Kamma 'the action' or dids of a being.


There is no god in Buddhism. A person's own actions lead to enlightenment or continuance in the cycle of re-birth and death. Some venerate the Buddha, but this does not make him a god.

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10y ago

In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha was trying to explain to one of his followers that the Hindu gods weren't real; and later explained that if we couldn't conceive of a god, that would be the real one.

In certain Buddhist traditions, God is honored; in others, there is only the Buddha; and in still others, there is no god. It all depends on which perspective(s) agree with the personal experience of the individual as to whether or not there is or isn't any deity.

As we are all one, these perspectives (to a Buddhist) are merely different ways of looking at the same thing.

So to answer your question: it depends entirely on which form of Buddhism we're talking about.

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15y ago

In Buddhism, three types of Buddha are recognized.

* Sammasambuddha, often simply referred to as Buddha * Paccekabuddha * Savakabuddha None of whom are Gods.

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13y ago

Buddhism in its true form is a philosophy, not a religion. Although this is true, as Buddhism spread throughout Asia, it was integrated in many places with the local religions. For example, Buddhism in Japan combines the original Buddhist principles with ancestral worship and a belief in spirit gods that embody aspects of nature.

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15y ago

There is no deity in Buddhism.

Non-Buddhists sometimes think that the Buddha is a deity but he is just a man who, by thought and effort, reasoned out the methods to reduce the pain in our lives.

Tibetan Buddhism has representations of various demigods and demons in temple design. These may be left over from the earlier Bon religion or act as symbolic representations of human failings.

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15y ago

Budhism is pimarily about ancestor worship, similar to catholics praying to alleged saints.

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13y ago

their is no god in Buddhism just the holy book.

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12y ago

There is no God in Buddhism. However, in sects like Tibetan Buddhism worship different deities such as White Tara. All Buddhists are Atheists in the sense that they don't believe in God.

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