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Salmon and Rahab(mother) was his parents

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Q: Who is Boaz mother?
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Is Rahab the Mother-in-law of Ruth according to Matthew chapter 1 verse 5 in the NIV bible?

No. Rahab is not the mother-in-law of Ruth according to Matthew 1:5 in the NIV Bible. In that verse, Rahab is mentioned as the mother of Boaz, and Ruth is identified as Boaz's wife. Ruth is the great-grandmother of King David.

Where is Rahab mention as Boaz mother in the bible?

In the genealogy of Jesus which is in Matthew 1.

What is the fifth chapter in the new testament of the King James Version in the Bible?

Matthew 1:5 - "Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab, Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth, Obed the father of Jesse"

What did Ruth from the bible do in society?

She took care of her widowed mother in law and gleaned in the fields of Boaz for herself and her mother in law.

Who instructed Ruth to wait for boaz?

Naomi, her mother-in-law! Read the book of Ruth for full details. :)

What is the rising action of the story of Ruth?

In the story of Ruth, the rising action includes Ruth's decision to stay with her mother-in-law Naomi, her encounter with Boaz in the fields, and Naomi's plan for Ruth to glean in Boaz's fields to provide for them. These events set the stage for the development of Ruth and Boaz's relationship and the unfolding of their story.

Where is the Boaz Public Library in Boaz located?

The address of the Boaz Public Library is: 404 Thomas Ave., Boaz, 35957 2025

When was Boaz Sharon born?

Boaz Zippor was born in 1972.

Who is Jesse's mother?

The Biblical Jesse (assuming you meant him and not Jesus), the father of King David, has no named mother. His father is given as Obed, son of Ruth and Boaz.

Who is jesse's mother?

The Biblical Jesse (assuming you meant him and not Jesus), the father of King David, has no named mother. His father is given as Obed, son of Ruth and Boaz.

Who was Ruth's second husband?

Ruth's second husband was Boaz. He was a wealthy landowner who showed kindness and generosity towards Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi. They later married, following Jewish customs.

Why did Boaz show Ruth favor?

Boaz showed Ruth favor because of her kindness to her mother-in-law Naomi, her hard work in the fields, and her humility in seeking his protection. He recognized her virtuous character and took care of her as a result.