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Friends of their kids or just friends and people who didn't believe with Adolf Hittler and people who wanted the Jews to have a fair share.

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Q: Who helped the Jews eat and survive yet did not hide them during World War 2?
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Who was the famous woman who helped Jews to escape during World War 2?

Irena Sendler

Who is the person that helped Jews after the diaspora?

The Israeli Prime minister helped the Jews during this time. His name was David Ben Gurion.

What is the name given to the non Jews who helped the Jews from the concentration camps during world war 1?

The non-Jews who aided the escape of Jews from Germany in World War 2 are called "Righteous Among the Nations" by Yad Vashem, the Israeli Holocaust Memorial society.

How did Nicolaus Rossini help save Jews?

Like with others who helped jews, Rossini didnt liked hitlers ways and how he was treating certain people,so he retalitated and tried to free jews

What were the major goals of Jews during World War 2?

Really only to try to survive and if they could, fight back against their unfathomably cruel enemies, the Nazis.

Did some Europeans helped to rescue or hide Jews during the Holocaust?


Is there anyone else beside Oskar Schindler who helped Jews survive in hitlers Germany?

Yes, see Related Links.

Did any one help the Jews in World War 2?

No nation as a whole helped the Jews. Almost all nations at the time had anti-Semitic roots. But there were people that helped the Jews and they numbered around 20,000.

How many Jews died in austeria during world war 2?

About 65,000 Jews were killed in Austria during the Holocaust.

What happened to non Jews who were helping Jewish people during the Holocaust?

they were punished or were killed. none who helped the Jews were just left alone.

How did the Jews survive World War 2?

Those who were in the areas of conflict survived through luck.

What was the punishment for people who helped Jews during the holocaust?

It really depends upon when, where and how and who was doing the punishing.