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Satyabhama helped Sri Krishna in slaying the demon Narakasura.

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Q: Who helped Sri Krishna in slaying the demon Narakasura?
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Who killed narakasura?

Lord Krishna killed Naragasura, who has torturned the people very badly and so the people requested Lord Krishna to save them from the Demon Naragasura. So, Lord Krishna killed Naragasura

Where did lord Rama celebrated Diwali?

Diwali was not in Sri Rama's times which was recorded as 'Thretha yuga'. This 'DIWALI' celebration started in Dwapara yuga. Sri Krishna was born after Sri Rama's departure from the world which was the end of 'Thretha yuga'. The next yuga was called as 'Dwapara yuga'. There was a demon-king called Narakasura who created hell and havoc on planet earth. Sri Krishna and wife 'Sathya bhama' killed the demon in a war, and established peace. Thus after the death of demon Narakasura people breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Sri Krishna who brought light in their lives and started celebrating by lighting their homes and temples with thousands of lights.

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Both are HINDU!!>!>>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>>!!>!>!>!>!>>!!>!>>!!>

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Is Inuyasha a full-demon?

No,Inuyasha is a half demon. His mother was a human and his father was a demon. I hope that helped.

Where is Diwali celabrated?

Hindus interpret the Diwali story based upon where they live: In northern India they celebrate the story of King Rama's return to Ayodhya after he defeated Ravana by lighting rows of clay lamps. Southern India celebrates it as the day that Lord Krishna defeated the demon Narakasura.

Who plays the Demon Version of Inuyasha?

Richard Cox does the voice of Demon Inuyasha. He plays both Inuyasha and Demon Inuyasha. I hope that helped.

What for shri Krishna used sudershan chakra and what time it was used?

Shri Krishna uses His Sudarshan Chakra to protect devotees and chastise the demonic. When Sisupala used up his available 100 times to blaspheme Lord Krishna and disturb devotees Sri Krishna used His Sudarshan chakra. Another use was to protect Pariksit Maharaja in the womb, when Avatthama sent a brahmastra to kill him. Also, Bhaumasara demon was killed by Lord Sri Krishna's Sudarshana. City of Varanasi was burned down with Sudarshan during Paundraka demon episode. There are other usages as well. References: Srimad Bhagavatam 10.1.5-7, 10.59.21, 10.66.37-43

Why do people celebrate Diwali?

Hindus reasons for celebrating Diwali are 1. God Krishna killed the Demon king Narakasura & relieved all people from his cruel rule. 2. On Diwali, hindus wake up early in the morning, they take gingelly oil bath & pray to bhooma devi, maha lakshmi & God Krishna for their welfare. 3. Hindus worshipping God Krishna & his consorts on Diwali day their prayers will be granted.

What are Names of 8 wives of lord Krishna?

Krishna was told to have 8 wives (or the Ashta-Bharyas). They are:Srimati Rukmini Devi (or "Rukmini"): Of all his wives, Krishna loved Rukmini the most. She was his favorite wife. As his first wife she was his main consort (called a Patrini). Originally Rukmini was the daughter of the great King Bhishmaka, Lord of Vidarbha. He in no way wanted to have Krishna marry his daughter and he was in the process of betrothing her away to Prince Shishupala of Chedi. Since Rukmini was so in love with Krishna, and he with her, Krishna stole her away on her wedding day and took her to Dwaraka where they wed.Satyabhama: The tale of his second wife begins in her previous life. She was host to much suffering in her life and after her death she sought shelter in Vishnu's "celestial palace (Vaikuntha)." While she was there she was a tireless servant for Vishnu and his care-taker. So much so that he promised she would be one of his wives in their next incarnation. During this life Krishna (Vishnu's reincarnation) sought to always make her happy. He did this by doing whatever she wished, irregardless of the wish. A tale is told of her infamous tantrums; while the Lord Indra came to Earth and visited Krishna he complemented Rukmini's beauty and gave her a Parijata flower. Satyabhama threw a tantrum and Krishna went into the spirit realm and brought her back an entire Parijata tree to plant.However, while these tantrums were not always appreciated, Krishna loved her fighting spirit. She was gifted with archery in warfar and also was very good at picking arguments which entertained Krishna immensely.Jambavati: She was actually given in marriage to Krishna by her father, bear-king Jambavan. She was a very devoted disciple of Lord Rama.Kalindi: She was the daughter of the Sun god Surya. She also was technically the keeper of the River Yamuna. When Krishna saw her, she was in deep penance. She was absolutely obsessed with marrying Vishnu and could not love another. Since he saw her devotion Krishna offered marriage.Mitravrinda: She was sister to the Kings of Avantipura.Nagnajiti: She was Princess of Kosala.Bhadra: She was actually his cousin. She chose him as her husband in a Swayamvara Ceremony.Lakshana: To win her hand in marriage, Krishna competed in an archery competition. He competed with Arjuna and Duryodhana, each who threw the match because they knew Krishna's passion for her.

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What is the phrase 'Demon moon blade' when translated from English to Japanese?

yo so oni=demon and moon is "tsuki" blade= ...idk but i hope this helped:)