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Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, is the Head of the Church, which is His Mystical Body. He sent His Holy Spirit to guide us always. He accomplishes this through His appointed Vicar, the successor of St. Peter, and the Bishops in union with Him. The short answer, then, is God, specifically God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit through the Pope, the Sacred Scriptures, the Sacred Tradition, etc.

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Q: Who guides the Church in spreading the gospel to all people?
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The Church admires Saint Patrick for his role in spreading Christianity throughout Ireland, his dedication to missionary work, and his ability to convert many people to Christianity. He is also revered for his missionary efforts in spreading the Gospel and his strength in facing challenges and opposition.

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The early church continued Jesus' prophetic ministry by spreading his teachings, proclaiming the gospel, and working towards social justice and inclusion for all people. They also performed miracles, healed the sick, and practiced love and compassion as Jesus did. The early church emphasized the importance of forgiveness, reconciliation, and serving others in their mission to advance the kingdom of God.

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They are lay people called Lectors or Readers who read the readings before the Gospel.

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The same thing they have said in all ages: Repent and believe in the Gospel!

Why does the Church do community outreach?

The early Christians did not expect people to come to them to hear the Gospel; they went out to share with all who would receive. We have no right to expect or insist that people come to church to hear the good news of Jesus, so we must share the Gospel with people where THEY are. Therefore, we need to be involved with the community at large.

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He wrote many letters that influanced people. He also went on many journeys spreading the word of Jesusand converting people.

What is evangelica?

Evangelical or evangelicalism is the act of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The movement began in the 18th and 19th centuries as a way to spread Christianity to the indigenous people of the newly conquered territories.

Does the Catholic Church approve of gay people in the military?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church was established by Our Blessed Lord to bring people to God, and God to the people. It is the Mystical Body of Christ, and His Bride. As such the Church preaches the Gospel, and administers the Sacraments. It does not approve or disapprove of the politics of the military.