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When Hinduism had gone to very low spirtual level, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, the founder of Arya samaj, had given this call 'Go Back to Vedas'

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Q: Who give the call Return to Vedas?
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What do you do return a call on hold?

Your phone will give you options to return a call on hold. It might say 'switch call' or ''switch''. You press that button and it will take you back to your call that is on hold.

Who gave the call Back to the Vedas?

Maharishi Swami Dayanand Sarasvati

Can you explain what the Vedas means?

Vedas refers to a collection of writings from antiquity which some might call the Hindu bible. The content of the Vedas, spiritual in nature, is believed by Hindus to have been directly revealed to humans from a Higher Power.

Who gave the call Go back to Vedas?

Maharishi Swami Dayanand Sarasvati

How Hindus show respect the Vedas?

Hindus show respect the Vedas asHindus believe that the Vedas texts are of divine origin. The chief sacred scriptures of the Hindusare the Vedas. THere are lot of Vedas in hinduism.

Who composed Vedas?

The vedas where composed by aryans

Who composed the Vedas?

The vedas where composed by aryans

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What is the oldest religious text of the aryan?

in Hinduism there are 4 Vedas which are extremely holy. apart from Vedas other Sacred Texts include Mahabharata Ramayana and Geeta.

What are example of Two word verbs?

there many examples of two word these are the examples with their meanings: call back-return a phone call figure out-find a solution to a problem put off-postpone run into-meet by chance tear down-destroy a building leave out-omit put out-extinguish call off-cancel

How do you call the number that just call you and hung up?

To get the number, try pressing star-69. Unless the number is restricted, your return call service should give you the number of the last phone to call yours. In UK the number is 1471.

Who is attributed to the revival of the Vedas?

Swami Dayananda Saraswati is often attributed to the revival of the Vedas. He founded the Arya Samaj, a Hindu reform movement that sought to promote Vedic principles and teachings. Swami Dayananda played a significant role in advocating for a return to Vedic values and practices.