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The mother of Moses put him in a basket, and out him in the river Nile.

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Q: Who floated moses done the nile?
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What does the river that moses floated away on mean?

The Nile, the rive in which moses was placed in a basket made from bulrushes gets its name from the Greek word "Nelios" meaning River Valley.

What is the purpose and best brand of moses baskets?

The moses basket is a simple padded linen basket. It is called this due to the fact it is what people believe moses was floated down the Nile in. Any brand would be a great choice for this kind of basket.

Name the bible story that happened in the Nile River?

Moses was floated away from harm and lived and was given his name.

How did moses' mother save him from being killed by the evil pharaoh?

Moses' mother saved him from the evil pharaoh by hiding him in a manger in the stable.

What baby floated down the nile river?

it is the riga baby

Was Jesus floated down the river as a baby?

No, the story of Jesus being floated down the river as a baby is not part of traditional Christian beliefs. In the Bible, Jesus was born in Bethlehem and later traveled to Egypt to escape King Herod's persecution.

Where on the Nile River was moses found?

Moses did not 'found' the River Nile. Nor did he find it.

Was miriam older than moses?

Yes,Miriam was the big sister of Moses. It was Miriam who was watching the basket of baby Moses as it floated on the river (Exodus 2)

What river was Moses in?

The river Nile

What was baby Moses hidden in?

Moses was found in the river Nile.(Exodus 2:2-5)

Who rescued Moses?

Moses was rescued by the pharaoh's daughter when he was placed in the Nile River in a basket as a baby. She found him and raised him as her own.

What did miriam do?

all she has officially done (in the torah) is watch moses as he was in the basket in the Nile River and lead the women in a dance as they left Egypt, there are a few midrashim that speak about other things she may have done