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Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne translated the Psalms in to Old English in the 7th Century. However there is no surviving original from this manuscript.

Alfred the Great had The Bible translated into English in the 9th century, but only portions of this document remain and it is not known if the entire bible was translated or just certain passages.

The Earliest known full translation that still exists in full is Wyclif's Bible in the 14th century. A total of 117 of these bibles were hand written by John Wyclif between 1382 and 1392.

The King James Bible was translated in the 17th Century as the authoritative Bible of the Anglican Church, and thanks to the printing press the fact that it was the only translation with legal sanction, it was widely distributed and used; and is now one of the most widely used version of the Bible in English.

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John Wycliffe is the man who gets credit most often for the first English translation of the Bible. Many parts of the Bible had already been translated to English before his work.

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What was the first Bible translated into English?

The first English translation of the Bible was done by John Wycliffe around 1380 AD.

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William Tyndale translated the first English Bible. On October 6 1536 he was executed at Vilvorde, Belgium.

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Portions of the Bible were translated in the seventh century - please see relevant answers.

When was the Bible translated to English?

The first hand-written English language Bible manuscripts were produced in the 1380's by John Wycliffe. It was translated from the Latin Vulgate.

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John Wycliff was the first man who translated the whole Bible into English in the 14th century. However, The Venerable Bede was the first man to translate portions of the Scriptures into English in the 7th century. (see Wickipedia - English Translations of the Bible)

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It was John Wyclif in the 1300's.

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All English copies of the Hebrew Scriptures are translated from Hebrew to English. These books are always called The Hebrew Bible (or the Tanakh, תנ״ך)Christians refer to these books as "The Old Testament"

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Wycliffe translated it into Latin, but Tyndale translated it into English.

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Whether Protestant or Catholic, it's good he allowed the Bible to be translated into English. He was the first Monarch to do this.

Why was the bible translated to English?

The Bible was translated into English so that people who do not speak the original documents' languages could read it. It was originally translated into English in the 1380s, by John Wycliffe.

How many times has the Bible been translated?

The Bible has been translated into about 5000 modern languages, plus many more other languages down through the centuries that are not used now. The Bible has been translated into English about 80 times since John Wycliff's first English translation.

What languages was the Bible translated into?

when the bible was first translated it was when elizebeth was queen and was trying to find a middle way between prostastents and chatholicism (both religions are christian) sher translated the bible from latin to English and now has probaly been translated into lots more lauguages.