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The Mongols did under the leadership of Hulegu Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan and brother of Kublai Khan.

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Q: Who finally conquered the Abbasid Dynasty in 1258?
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The abbasid dynasty finally came to an end in 1258 by the hands of?

when the invading Mongol armies captured the Abbasid capital of Baghdad.

When did the Abbasid dynasty come to an end?


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Who defeated Abbasid Empire in 1258?

Hulagu Khan of the Mongols defeated Abbasid Caliph Al-Musta'sim in 1258 in Baghdad. He completely conquered the Abbassid Empire and made sure to raze every city to the ground that gave him one iota of resistance.

Who was The Abbasid Empire defeated by in 1258.?

When Halagu Khan, the Mongol general sacked Baghdad.

Who is next ruling family after abbasid 1258?

Abbasid contintue to rule from Cairo under the Mamlukes Sultans till 1517. In 1517 the ruling family moved to Ottoman family.

Who ended the Arab Empire 1258?

Hülegü Khan of the Mongols conquered Baghdad in 1258, effectively ending the Abbassid Caliphate.

Which is the CORRECT order of dynasties ruling the Islamic Empire from 661 A.D. to the 13th century?

Umayyad dynasty ruled from 661 to 750. The Abbasid dynasty rose to power in 750 through 813. Then the Empire became fragmented, but the Abbasid dynasty survived as a weaker and weaker state until 1258 C.E.

What is the mass of 1258 ml of water?

The mass of 1258 mL of water is 1258 g.

What was The "Golden Age" of the Abbasid caliphate the reign of?

750-1258 CE. During this period, the Abbasids were strong leaders who controlled a vast territory and created a culture that is often referred as the Golden Age.

What was the dynasty that had the capital of Baghdad in ancient civilization?

There were 11 dynasties, from the First (Amorite 1830- BCE) to the 10th (Assyrian 729- BCE) and the 11th (Chaldean 626- BCE) before Persia incorporated it into its empire in 539 BCE.

When the abbaside were in the power what was the greatest arab empire?

When the Abbaside were in power the greatest Arab empire was the Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258). It was the second largest Muslim (not just Arab) empire in history, second only to the Umayyad Caliphate (661--750) which preceded it.