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Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

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Q: Who do the Muslims believe was the last messenger of god?
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Who is the last prophet of god?

In the Islamic faith, Prophet Muhammad is considered the last prophet of God. Muslims believe that he was the final messenger sent by God to guide humanity.

What are the beliefs of a Muslim?

Muslim ascetics, like all Muslims, believe that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. They are monotheists and believe in the Qur'an.

What three things do Muslims believe about storing the qur'an?

#1:Muslims believe that there is no god but Allah Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. #2:Musalims believe that God write the Qur'an. #3:Muslims believe that Allah began his revelations to Muhammad in the month of Ramadan.

If you believe that Jesus was a phophet but not the son of God what are you?

If you believe that, along with other basic Islamic beliefs like there is only one God and that Muhammad was His last messenger, then you are a Muslim. Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet but not the son of God. However, the most important requirement to be a Muslim is the belief in Islamic monotheism - that there is only one God worthy of worship. The second is that Muhammad was the last messenger. Muslims believe God sent down prophets and messengers to spread His message in the world including Adam, Noah, Solomon, Moses, Jesus, many others and finally Muhammad.

What do most Muslims believe?

All Muslims believe that Allah (God in English) is the one and only one God and that prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is His prophet and messenger. See related question on Islam fundamentals.

Why do Muslims do not bow in front of any other person?

We muslims only bow down to God almighty and nobody else because as muslims we believe there is no God but Allah And Muhammad is his slave and his messenger (P.B.U.H.A.H.F)

What is the difference between Christianity and Muslim?

The major difference is that Christians believe that Jesus is/was God, while Muslims believe that Jesus was a Messenger of God in the same order as Moses.

Do Islam people have a god?

Yes, in Islam, Muslims worship Allah (God). They believe he is the one and only and Mohammad PBUH is his final messenger.

Who is god messeger god?

The messenger of God in Islamic tradition is the Prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe that he received revelations from God through the angel Gabriel, which were compiled into the Quran. He is considered the last prophet in Islam.

What is the one major belief that unites Muslims?

That there is only one God, and that the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H was his (last)messenger

Who was Muhhammad according to Muslims?

the messenger of God

What are the followers of Islam callead and what are their beliefs?

They are called Muslims and they believe that their is only 1 God called Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.