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Q: Who do christens believe jeaus is?
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Related questions

What do christens believe in?

christens believe in the trinity. God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. not to be mistaken, they believe they are all one person.

Who is jeaus?

Jesus is a prophet of god

What do christens learn from Jesus?

CHristens learn how he ended up on the cross

Why is Easter Significant to Christian Religion?

jeaus was resurected

Do jewish people always believe in God?

Yes, they just believe in a little bit of a different way then christens.

What did jeaus do in his teen years?

he was obey god rules and following them.

Does celebrating a religious festival make you religious?

a religious festival is a festival that is celebrated only by that religion of which the festival is there for example: Easter the day Jesus died. only christens believe in that.

What is the difference between Jews and christens and muslems?

you tell me you asked it

Where did jeaus travll?

he have traveled many Muslim places like makkah,madian he is now in the sky with god

Do christens put Christmas trees up?

some do some don't :-)

What do christens do in Jerusalem?

Visit the sites where Christ is taught, and was crucified and buried.

Very short essay on Christmas?

Christmas is an important festival of christens.