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Buddhists do not worship anyone. There is no God or God-concept in Buddhism. There is nothing at all supernatural in Zen Buddhism. Buddhism aims at relieving dissatisfaction (suffering, trouble) by eliminating its causes such as greed, hostility, and delusion. There is no holy book of Buddhism. Like Jesus, the Buddha himself never wrote a book. His teachings were transmitted orally for centuries before they were written down. Two good anthologies are: BASIC TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA, Glenn Wallis, ed. (Modern Library), and IN THE BUDDHA'S WORDS, Bhikkhu Bodhi, ed. (Wisdom).


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Q: Who do Buddhists worship and what is their holy book?
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What are Buddhist's holy building?

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What holy book do zen buddhists worship?

Zen Buddhists typically study and follow teachings from various Buddhist scriptures and texts, such as the Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra, and Platform Sutra. However, Zen Buddhism emphasizes direct insight and meditation over scholarly study of texts, so the focus is more on personal experience and realization rather than worship of a specific holy book.

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Buddhists do not worship the Ganges, or any other thing or deity. Hindus believe that the Ganges is holy, but since I am not a Hindu I can not tell you why.

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Yes, at home and also at a temple.

What is the Buddhists holy book called?

the Tripitaka

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No. Buddhists do not worship, period.

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The answer to this question depends on how it is read. If it is read exactly as written: Muslims do not worship their holy book. It is a book used for guidance, but prayers are directed at God, not an object like a book. If the question should be read: How do Muslims worship and what is their holy book?, please see the Related Question below.

Which of these religions have a holy book shintobuddhismsikhismhinduism?

For Buddhists the Tripitaka, or Three Baskets are the primary teachings. for Hinduism the Vedas and the Upanishads are their sacred texts. For Sikhs their holy book is the Holy Granth

Where do Buddhidts worship Buddha?

Buddhists worship buddhas in temples, where they could meditate Buddhists worship buddhas in temples, where they could meditate

What is the name of the holy building for Buddhists?

The Holy building for Buddhists is called a Temple.

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