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The Protestant Reformation attempted to relate The Bible to believers. By doing this people could read the bible themselves and understand the word of God.

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Q: Who did the protestant reformation relate the bible to?
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Why is the reformation called the protestant reformation?

The Protestant Reformation is called Protestant because it meant pro-Testimony, back to the Bible and not protest.Roman Catholic AnswerBecause protestant is what resulted from the "reformers" protesting the Church. Unfortunately they did not get "back to the Bible", as a matter of fact, they mutilated the Bible by throwing whole books out of it, and mistranslating it.

The Protestant Reformation attempted to relate the bible to the?

During the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther translated the Bible into German for the first time, so that it would be available to the common man instead of only to royalty and priests. William Tynedale accomplished a similar undertaking by translating the Bible into English.

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The Geneva Bible was printed in 1560 AD. It is considered the "Bible of the Protestant Reformation". It was also called the "Breeches Bible". It was a major translation of The Bible by a group of Protestant scholars.

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The Protestant Reformation began on October 31, 1517.

How did John Wycliffe help set the stage for the Protestant Reformation?

Wycliffe was an early advocate for translation of the Bible into the common language. He completed his translation directly from the Vulgate into vernacular English in the year 1382, now known as Wycliffe's Bible. This helped set the stage for the Protestant Reformation.

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One of the tenants of the protestant reformation was "sola Scriptura" which means according to scripture alone. The bible is the one and only book recognized as holy by protestants.

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