Jesus said it himself in the Bible that "I and my father are one" so whatever God possess He possess. Jesus was invested by the Holy Spirit by turning His soul in the direction of God. When you consider Jesus, you can say this is God, you can say He is the image of God, you can say the Holy Spirit is reflected in Him, and you can say He is a son of man, the child of Mary and Joseph.
The first miracle in the gospel of St. Luke is Jesus healing a man with an unclean spirit in the synagogue in Capernaum. This miracle demonstrates Jesus' authority over evil spirits and showcases his power to heal.
Thy evil spirit, Brutus. (4.3.325)
No - actually the complete opposite. It says in Numbers 23:19 that "God is not a man that He should lie, or the Son of man that He should change His mind." = = Note that the Bible does indeed say that God is not of flesh that He is spirit but the Bible does refer to God as Father or He, Jesus as the Son of man or He and the Holy Spirit as He. All of these names or pronouns are masculine.
Christ's physical body died as a man, his spirit however did not, and both were resurrected through the power of God, thus conquering death through his own power.
The Bible doesn't exactly say that the devil was there during Jesus' death. However, where you find evil and evil men, you also find the devil.
No, saying that Jesus was possessed by the Holy Spirit is a common belief in Christian theology. It reflects the understanding that Jesus, as both divine and human, was empowered by the Holy Spirit in his ministry on earth.
I think it means that you are Praising and into the Spirit with the Lord.
Jesus never said anything but god spoke in the orm of he spirit a dove.
Jesus is speaking of the spiritual church, it lives within us. Not of sand, its the spirit of faith in him. And not of this earth.
A woman at the well from Samaria (John 4).