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Jesus died on the cross between two robbers.

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Q: Who did Jesus die on the cross between?
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Did Jesus die on a cross or in his bed?


Did Jesus die on a pole?

No. Jesus died on a cross.

Did Jesus say why he will die on the cross?

He did and he said that he would die on the cross for our sins .

Did Jesus die in a cross?

No, Jesus's death took place on a cross because he was executed and also tied to a cross.

Did Jesus die on a cross or tourture stake?

Jesus died on a cross that he was forced to carry to Calvary.

Did Jesus die of AIDS?

no jesus didnt die on aids because he was crucified on a cross

Did Jesus Christ die in a cross?

No, Jesus's death took place on a cross because he was executed and also tied to a cross.

Why did Jesus die on cross for us?

Jesus died on the cross because it was his destiny. He did it to save us from our sins.

Was Jesus reluctant to die during the cruxifiction?

No Jesus was willing to die on the cross according to the will of God.

What Sunday did Jesus die on the cross?

Jesus died on Friday and not on a Sunday.

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How did Jesus physically die on the cross?
