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Since, according to The Bible, the only people on earth at that time were descendants of Adam and Eve, the offspring would have procreated with each other. Mankind was created perfect initially, so there would have been no genetic defects. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, however, sin became part of human life. Even so, since man was much closer to perfection back then, the genetic problems that would occur today if close relatives married, would NOT have been a problem back then. Marriage between close relatives was not prohibited by God until he instituted the Mosaic Law in 1513BCE (Leviticus 18:9, 17,24)

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Adam and Eve's kids apparently procreated with each other. The kids might of had problems and eventually there were people distant enough to where they didnt have problems.

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Q: Who did Adam and Eve's offspring procreate with?
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The simple answer is to "Procreate" is to "Reproduce" as in "make more babies"

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