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The person who can perform a sacrament is a priest or a bishop.

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A priest or higher order clergy.

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Q: Who can perform reconciliation in the catholic church?
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In the Catholic Church who can be married but cannot give the Sacrament of Reconciliation?

A deacon

At what age do you do begin your reconciliation in the Catholic Church?

Reconciliation usually is started, along with Eucharist, in the 2nd grade - about the age of seven years.

What does reconciled mean in the Catholic Church?

Reconciliation, the act or state of re-establishing friendship between God and a human being, or between two persons. In the Catholic Church it most often refers to the sacrament of Confession, otherwise known as Penance or Reconciliation.

What are the sacraments of the Russian Catholic Church?

They are the same as the entire Catholic Church: Baptism Confirmation Penance (Reconciliation) Eucharist Matrimony Holy Orders Anointing of the Sick

Does the Roman Catholic Church recognize the sacrament of Reconciliation performed by a Ukrainian Catholic priest?

Yes, it is recognized, since both are done by Catholic priests.

What do you mean by reconciliation?

Patch upRoman Catholic AnswerIf you are referring to Reconciliation in the Catholic Church, then you mean the Sacrament established by our Blessed Lord that imparts forgiveness of post-baptismal sin, also know as Penance or Confession.

Who is involved in reconciliation?

you, the priest, your parents, your church, and mabey even ur school if iys catholic and u apply...

Can a Roman Catholic divorced bride and Protestant Groom get married in a church of her selection?

Yes, as long as she does not choose a Catholic Church. She will have to find a church that will perform an interdenominational wedding of divorced persons. The Catholic Church will not.

Is Reconciliation the same as Confession in the Catholic Church?

There is no difference. The name of the sacrament is Reconciliation, the act is confessing. By confessing your sins and asking for forgivness from God, you are reconciling yourself with Jesus.

Is absolution for a Catholic valid if obtained in a Lutheran Church?

The Lutheran Church does not offer absolution. They have no sacrament of reconciliation. As the Lutheran Church has no valid Orders (Priesthood), they have no valid sacraments except Baptism.

When did Catholic priests get licensed to perform marriages?

Catholic priests have always had the authority to perform marriages but I am assuming they are licensed to perform marriages when they are ordained. Marriage, or matrimony, is one of the Seven Sacraments of the Church. Also, Catholic priests do not perform marriages but they actually witness them.

Can a bishop perform confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church?

The bishop is the one who performs it.