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Anybody, regardless of whether they have a Jewish mother, because Judaism - though non-proselytising - is open to converts who in Jewish communities are known by the term ger. There is no restriction on the convert's race, nationality or the their previous religion and the religion has strict rules stating that Jews must not show any prejudice toward a ger or in any way consider a ger to be less a Jew than somebody born into the religion.

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Q: Who can belong to Judaism?
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(Practicing) Jews belong to a religion called judaism.

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Judaism teaches that all people belong to God.Answer 2:From a genealogical perspective, most Jews are descendants of the 4th son of Israel, Judah. They include some without this heritage but who have the same beliefs.

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What religion does Judaism belong to?

Judaism. The Torah is the holiest text in Judaism. For more information on the Torah, see the Related Links.Link: Purpose of the TorahLink: The Torah and other Jewish writingsLink: Facts about Torah-scrolls

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I never discuss religion with strangers - it's a good way to start an argument.Besides, I don't think your teacher wants to know MY religion.

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The mezuzah, a small box which contains a prayer known as the shema written on parchment and is attached to doorposts, is part of the religion of Judaism (Deuteronomy ch.6).

What branch of Judaism is the surname Gilbert?

The question makes no sense. Surnames and family lineages have nothing to do with what branch of Judaism a person chooses to ascribe themselves to. The equivalent question would be, "What kind of Protestant Denomination does a person named John Smith belong to?" It could be any one of the many that exist.