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Q: Who came to hear John the Baptist preach and how did they respond?
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What does John the Baptist means?

The name John the Baptist came from St. John the Baptist who preached the coming of Jesus Christ and also baptised Him. You can see the brief explanation at the following link.

Where did the name San Juan Bautista came?

Saint John the Baptist

Why is it so important that you understand that John the Baptist was the bridge between the Old and the New Testaments?

John the Baptist was a preparation minister. He came to prepare the way for Jesus Christ's ministry.s

What special ministry did John the Baptist have?

He was the forerunner. He came to prepared the way for Jesus Christ

Who was Jesus' Baptist and what did he do?

Jesus's baptist was John. Jesus came to the Jordan River and John spilled water on his head. It says that the moment the water spilled on Jesus's head, the gates of Heaven opened.

Why did the people respond to John the Baptist when he came with a very shocking and condemning message?

The time in history was ripe for the announcing of a new way of life--repent and be saved..That was the message of John the Baptist..who told of one greater than himself.. (Jesus, the Messiah) one whose sandal he was not worthy to untie.. John's style of vocalizing his message was powerful, and he was not afraid to upset the establishment and undermine consciouses such as Herod who was the Jewish ruler at the time. So impressed was Herod by John the Baptist, that he listened to him and was disturbed that he was not in keeping with what was right. However, his ego and his public image with the people were more important to Herod in the end. The mistake of vowing anything to Salome, who did her dance of seduction, sealed the fate of John the Baptist as Salome's request was the head of the Baptist on a platter.

Who baptised Jesus and where was h baptised?

Some of Jesus' disciples were baptised by John Baptist in the river Jordan, and the others were baptised by the earlier disciples, probably also in the Jordan river.

What was reason the Pharisees came to see John?

The Pharisees came to see John the Baptist to question him about his authority and ministry, trying to understand if he was the promised Messiah or a false prophet. They were seeking clarification on his teachings and actions.

Whom did John the Baptist call a generation of vipers?

The reference by John the Baptist to vipers comes from the hypothetical 'Q' document at verses 3:7-17 and was used by the authors of both Matthew and Luke, although Matthew diverged somewhat from the original.Luke has John the Baptist accuse the crowd that came to be baptised, of being a generation of vipers, who flee the wrath to come. In reply, the crowd asked him what they should do.On the other hand, Matthew only had John the Baptist accuse the Pharisees and Sadducees of being a generation of vipers, who flee the wrath to come. The crowd was not implicated and did not respond. The author of Matthew was taking pains to focus his criticisms on the Pharisees and Sadducees, rather than on the Jews as a whole.

What area did John the Baptist preach?

He preached against Herod for marring his brothers wife. This landed him in prison. He also preached against all sinners who came to get baptised to avoid going to hell without changing their ways.

Who was Baptist by John the baptist?

All sorts of persons came to John to be baptized, including harlots and tax collectors. (Matthew 21:32) In the autumn of 29 C.E., Jesus came to John to be baptized. John at first objected, knowing his own sinfulness and the righteousness of Jesus. But Jesus insisted. (Matthew 3:13; Mark 1:9; Luke 3:21)

Did John the Baptist die?

John was beheaded in prison and his head was delivered on a platter to the girl, who brought it to her mother. John's disciples later came and removed John's body and buried him, reporting the matter to Jesus. (Matthew 14:1-12; Mark 6:21-29)