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Imam Ibn Hajar says about this hadith in Fath al-Bari: His saying (40 years)

Ibn al-Jawzi said: It raises a problem since Abraham built the Ka`bah and Solomon built Bayt al-Maqdis [another name of al-Masjid al-Aqsa cf. Hebrew Bet ha-Miqdash] and there are 1,000 years between them. His evidence for saying that it is Solomon - peace be upon him - who built the Farthest Mosque is the narration of al-NASA'i from the hadith of `Abd Allah Ibn `Amr Ibn al-`As attributed to the Prophet with an authentic isnad that "When Solomon built Bayt al-Maqdis he asked God the Most High for three things etc." and in al-Tabarani from the hadith of Rafi` Ibn `Umayrah that "David - peace be upon him - started building Bayt al-Maqdis but God inspired him: I shall accomplish its building with Solomon" and the hadith has a story. He [Ibn al-Jawzi] said: "The answer to that is that the mention concerns the first construction and the foundation of the mosque and it is not Abraham who built the Ka`bah for the first time nor is it Solomon who built Bayt al-Maqdis for the first time. Indeed, we have narrated that the first one who built the Ka`bah is Adam. Then his progeny spread out on earth. Therefore, it is possible that one of them built Bayt al-Maqdis. Later, Abraham (re)built the Ka`bah according to the Qur'an." Likewise, al-Qurtubi said: The hadith does not indicate that Abraham and Solomon were the first ones to build the two mosques. It was only a renovation of what had been founded by others. After quoting other opinions, Ibn Hajar insists : But the possibility mentioned by Ibn al-Jawzi is more pertinent. And I found evidence supporting those who say that it is Adam who founded both mosques. For instance, Ibn Hisham mentioned in "Kitab al-Tijan" that when Adam built the Ka`bah, God ordered him to walk to Bayt al-Maqdis and build it and so he did and offered worship in it. And the construction of the House [Arabic: al-Bayt, i.e., the Ka`bah] is famous and we have mentioned earlier the hadith of `Abd Allah Ibn `Amr that the House was elevated in the time of the flood until God showed Abraham its location. Ibn Abi Hatim narrated from the way of Ma`mar from Qatadah: God founded the House with Adam when he descended. But Adam missed the voices of the Angels and their prayers. Therefore, God told him: I sent down a House around which [people] will revolve like it is revolved around my Throne, so set out to it. Adam set out to Makkah - He had descended in India, and his steps were enlarged until he reached the House and revolved around it. It was also said that when he had prayed at the Ka`bah, he was ordered to set out to Jerusalem where he built a masjid [mosque] and prayed therein so that it became a qiblah to a part of his progeny.

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prophet Adam @ prophet Sulaiman @ prophet Ibrahim......

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Q: Who built Masjid-ul Aqsa?
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Hello, There.Hope You Are Doing Well. God Bless You For Seeking Truth. Not Many Have This Quality.Here You Are, Mate. The Complete Facts For Truth. Believing Is Up To You My Dear Fellow. No Can Force You To Believe. It's A Choice You Have To Make~ May God Bless You With Understanding & Differentiating Truth From Falsehood.That, Masjidul Al Aqsa was the second Masjid on earth.That, it was built 40 years after the Ka'ba in Makkah.That, most scholars are of the opinion that Masjidul Al Aqsa was first built by Prophet Adam [as].That, Ibrahim [as] rebuilt the Masjidul Al Aqsa in Jerusalem as he and Ismail [as] rebuilt the Ka'ba in Makkah.That, Prophet Daud [as] began the rebuilding of Masjidul Al Aqsa.That, it was Prophet Sulayman [as] who finally completed the building of Masjidul Al Aqsa.That, Masjidul Al Aqsa built by Sulayman [as] was destroyed in 587 BC by Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon.That, the Jews call this same Masjidul Al Aqsa built by Sulayman [as] as their Temple.That, the Jews re-built their Temple on them same site in 167 BC but was destroyed in 70 AD and Jews banished from Jerusalem.That, the site of Masjidul Al Aqsa remained barren and was used as a rubbish tip for nearly 600 years until the Great Khalifah Umar bin Khattab liberated Jerusalem in 637/8 AD.That, the Khalifah Umar bin Khattab began the foundation of Masjidul Al Aqsa and a timber mosque was built.That, the Umayyad Khalifah, Abd' al Malik ibn Marwan in 691/2 [72/73 AH] began the construction of, Dome of the Rock - today this is the Golden Domed Mosque.That, the al Buraq wall or Western Wall where Prophet Muhammad [saas] tied his animal the Buraq on the night journey of al Isra is what the Jews call the wailing wall.That, to Muslims it is the land or the Haram Sharif area which is most holy and important.That, the Haram area of Al Aqsa has within it the Masjidul Al Aqsa [Black Domed Mosque] and Dome of the Rock [the Golden Domed Mosque].That, Israel occupied Masjidul Al Aqsa in 1967.That, the fundamentalist Jews have made 100's of attempts to destroy Al Aqsa since 1967 when they occupied it. A fire in 1967 started by their help destroyed the 900 year old Mimbar installed by Slaudeen Ayub, the Great Muslim Hero.That, the fundamentalist want to blow up and destroy Masjidul Al Aqsa and replace it with a Jewish Temple.Take Care~

Who was the Muslim Leaders who Conquered Masjidul Aqsa from Christianity before?

the guy who gave a lot of wedgies and the wedgies crew.

At which prayer was the qibla way of praying changed?

In the name Allah..., When Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.) was offering Namaz-e-Zohar as a pesh Imam, when the Prophet was in the Ruku, Allah told to change qibla from Masjidul Aqsa to Masjidul Haram i.e. Khana-e-Qaba, Mecca.

Who built masjid e aqsa and where it is?

masjid e aqsa was built in 705 CE in palestine by jacob,isaac's son

What is the name of the mountain where the aqsa mosque is built?

mount nebo

What is buried under al aqsa in jerusaleum?

The Islamic al-Aqsa mosque was built on top of the Temple Mount - a Jewish holy place.

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Who built al aqsa mosque?

The al-Aqsa Mosque was at first a small prayer house built by the Rashidun caliph Umar. It was rebuilt and expanded by the Ummayad caliph Abd al-Malik and finished by his son al-Walid in 705 CE.

How many doors does al-aqsa mosque have in Jerusalem?

al aqsa doors

What is Al-Aqsa TV's motto?

Al-Aqsa TV's motto is 'in Arabic'.

When was Al-Aqsa University created?

Al-Aqsa University was created in 1992.

What is the mean of aqsa name?

Prophet mohammed created a mosque name aqsa