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Atheists think that there is no universal meaning to life.

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Q: Who belief that there is no universal meaning to life?
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What is the belief that there is no universal meaning to life?

The belief that there is no universal meaning to life would be the belief that there is no universal truth. This belief is the same as atheism which also suggests that there is no universal truth or God. The absence of God suggests the absence of truth. In such a situation, mankind would be on its own. If there was a universal meaning to life it would be that life is meant to be completely happy, peaceful and satisified; not meant to be full of pain, hurt, unforgiveness, unhappiness, hate, anger, etc, It is suggested that humans are not able to create love, forgiveness, peace, happiness, compassion, self control etc through conscious effort, otherwise there would be no human that is not full of love, forgiveness, peace, happiness, compassion, self control etc as they would have already created these positive feelings. If humans do not have positive emotions and cannot create positive emotions they will never have positive emotions unless Someone creates positive emotions and a way to access these emotions. This Someone else is God, as no human is capable of creating positive feeling. No one is capable of feeling happy, peaceful and satisified on their own. As no one can feel completely happy, peaceful and satisfied on their own, no one is capable of living a life filled with good feelings on their own. Atheism denies the existence of God and in doing so suggests mankind is on its own. As humans cannot create positive emotion, the absence of a God means life occurs without the positive feelings that God creates. Life without any happiness, peace and satisifaction has no meaning therefore atheism is the belief that denies there is no universal meaning to life. This is the religionist's point of view. Atheists on the other hand do believe that humans are capable of being happy and can create love between them as an act of will, giving meaning to life, and obviating the need for gods or externally imposed truth.

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Capital punishment is a belief and an actuality. It is not a universal belief or a universal actuality; the belief in capital punishment is only held by some people and capital punishment is practiced only in some places.

What question has no answer?

The question "What is the meaning of life?" is subjective and philosophical, and thus has no definitive answer that applies universally. Each individual may have their own interpretation or belief about the meaning of life.

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Universal Life is called only Universal Life! Universal Life 1 may just be a name given by the marketing department at an insurance company.

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How can I discover the meaning of life?

Each of us builds our own meanings of life. There is no universal, unique meaning. However, a primary sense is that we are born, mature, procreate, and are improved in multiple ways by the evolution of the species. In a simple sense, the meaning of life is linked to the evolutionary process

Religion is a universal belief system that every culture uses to provide meaning?

Meaning is best worked back from the point of living. There is no point in living a life without happiness, peace, forgiveness, love, etc. If the religion ( a set of rules with rewards/punishment) is able to create life full of happiness, peace, forgiveness, love etc, then the religion is capable of creating meaning. The need for religion to provide meaning in a culture is linked to the absence of meaning if the religion is not present in a culture. Without the religion, the members of the culture would not be happy, peaceful, and satisfied, etc. Within a culture, members of the culture may all believe in the religion, however, not all the members of the culture will believe in the same aspects of the religion, therefore religion does not necessarily provide a universal belief system that would create meaning for all members of the culture. Religion is not the only thing that shapes the way members of a culture see the world (universal belief system). Experiences that are too painful to mention may also shape the way members of the culture see the world and therefore derive meaning. If there was a religion that provided meaning to a culture it would be capable of creating a life full of happiness, peace, forgiveness, love etc, and as such would be universally accepted. Perhaps the reason why there is no religion that is universally accepted is because there is no religion at present that is capable of creating a life full of happiness, peace, forgiveness, love etc. If religion is a perspective of God, then for life to have meaning, there must be a religion that is the correct perspective of God allowing for members of the religion to be completely happy, peaceful and satisfied. Such a religion would be the universal belief system of every culture. It is suggested that religions are incapable of creating meaning (happiness, peace, love, forgiveness, satisfaction etc) of themselves, otherwise there would be no human in a religion that was not happy, peaceful, loving, forgiving, satisfied, etc. For life to have meaning, God must have created these emotions, and a way to access these emotions separate to religion (a set of rules with rewards/ punishment).

What are the stated beliefs of the Universal Life Church according to Wikipedia?

According to Wikipedia, the Universal Life Church one has a single belief in that one should have freedom of religion (i.e every member should be able to pursue the religion which they feel is appropriate without any form of external interference).

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When was Universal Life - Cyprus - created?

Universal Life - Cyprus - was created in 1970.

When was Universal Life Church created?

Universal Life Church was created in 1962.

Who said life has no meaning the moment you lose the illusion of being eternal?

Jean-Paul Sartre, a French philosopher and existentialist, explored themes of existentialism, the nature of existence, and the search for meaning in his work. The quote reflects his belief that without a belief in an eternal or higher power, individuals are faced with the responsibility of creating their own meaning in life.