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The few I can remember are Simon Peter, Simon the leper , Simon the old priest.

Answer:The New Testament contains mentions of nine different men named "Simon:"

1. Simon Peter, apostle of Jesus - Luke 6:14

2. Simon Zelotes ('the zealot"), another apostle - Luke 6:15

3. The father of Judas Iscariot was named Simon - John 6:71

4. One of Jesus' earthly half-brothers - Matthew 13:55

5. A Pharisee who hosted Jesus in his home - Luke 7:40

6. Simon "the leper" - Matthew 26:6

7. Simon the Cyrenian, who was compelled to carry Jesus' cross - Mark 15:21

8. Simon the Sorcerer - Acts 8:9

9. Simon the tanner - Acts 9:43

[The devout elder who blessed Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2) was Simeon.]

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12y ago

There are actually 8 men named Simon in The Bible.

  1. Simon (Peter), son of Jonah, brother of Andrew, and apostle (Mat 4:18, John 1:40)
  2. Simon, brother/cousin of Jesus (Mat 13:55)
  3. Simon the Leper in Bethony (Mat 26:6, Mk 14:3)
  4. Simon, a man from Cyrene who helped carry the cross to calvary (Mat 27:32)
  5. Simon the Zealot, Canaanite, and apostle (Mk 3:18, Lk 6:15)
  6. Simon Iscariot, father of Judas (Jn 6:71)
  7. Simon, man who practiced sorcery in Samaria (Acts 8:9)
  8. Simon the tanner who lived by the Sea in Joppa (Acts 9:43)
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