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The highest authorities for Shiite Muslims are the Ayatollahs, who have jurisprudential power in specific territorial jurisdictions (like Orthodox Christian Patriarchs).

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Q: Who are the highest authority among shia muslims?
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shia has been made in order to make fitna ( separation) and revenge among muslims.

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How many Muslims are Shiites?

Around 20% of Muslims are Shiites. Also many of Shiites hide their beliefs for dangers for a Shia living among Sunni Muslims containing extremist Takfiri Muslims.

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shia Muslims are not Kafir. this is a propaganda made by some extremist Muslims who do Takfir. (Wahhabi Muslims)

Are most Muslims throughout the world Shia?

No, Shia constitute about 15% of total Muslims in the world.

How many shi'ites are there?

Approximately one of every five Muslims are Shia Muslims. so there are around 350,000 Shia Muslims in the world.

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The majority of Persians (today, that's Iran and Iraq) are Shia Muslims.

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Is Iran's population mostly Shiite Muslims or Sunni Muslims?

The official religion or race of Iran is shia of course, where over 85% of the population is shia. While the rest are sunnis.

What group of Muslims see the imams as infallible?

Muslims following the Shia doctrine of Imamah believe that the Imams are infallible. They see the Imams are the rightful successors of the prophet Muhammad and believe them to have divine authority.

What percentage of Muslims are shi'a?

Muslims in world are near 80% sunni and near 20% shia. researchers have counted up to 260 sect for Islam that they all belong to categories Sunni and shia. the main category of Shia is 12 Imami shia and other sects of shia are nearly extincted. there is at least 300,000,000 shia Muslims in world, but there is no clear stat. shias always have been controlled and killed during history and so usually they hide their beliefs. all 12 Imams of shia have been killed or spent their life in prison by Omayyads and Abbasids.