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>Esau: Eldest son of Isaac and twin brother of Jacob. Esau settled in the country round about Mount Seir (also know as Mount Esau) which became known as Edom(meaning red), and Esau's descendants where, of course, known as the Edomites. The relationship between Israel and Edom was not exactly constructive and resulted in many violent conflicts. The prophet Obadiah (KJB. pg1146) prophesied concern the downfall of Edom because it joined forces with the foreign forces which invaded Israel his brother. Verses 8 and 9 speaks of the pending destruction of the wise men of Edom, and the understanding men of Esau, and the mighty men of Teman. Teman, which means "south", was another name for Edom or part of Edom. Verse 18 of Obadiah describes the pending destruction of the house of Esau, "And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be [any] remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken [it]." Ezekiel 25:13-14 also prophecies the end of Edom. Amos 9:12 speaks of the remnant of Edom being possessed by Israel. And last but not least, we read in Malachi 1:3, "And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness." The word hate in the verse is meant that the Lord hated the sins of the children of Esau. The prophecies concerning Edom were partly fulfilled in the reign of King David, 1 Kings 11:15-16, "For it came to pass, when David was in Edom, and Joab the captain of the host was gone up to bury the slain, after he had smitten every male in Edom; (For six months did Joab remain there with all Israel, until he had cut off every male in Edom:)". Edom ceased to be a kingdom during the Roman, Jewish rebellion wars 66 - 73 AD. Esau and Jacob were born about 1825BC. Edom also became known as Idumea. King Herod (and family) who ruled Israel at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ was an Idumaean but converted to the Jewish faith.>


Esau's descendants are "Teman," the Ottomans... the Turks (Turkey).

"...thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter." (Obadiah 1:9)

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In prophecy Esau became Russia, so the Russians and a good deal of the Jews are edomites.

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Where is ancient edom?

Ancient Edom was southeast of the Dead Sea, in what is now southern Jordan.

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Esau's descendants became Edom... the "Turks,"... "Turkey."

What nation of people on the Earth today are edomites?

There is a distinction between Edom, an ancient kingdom south of the Dead sea spanning between what is now Israel and what is now Jordan and centered on the Arabah valley, and traditional use of the term Edomite to refer to people of later times.It is highly likely that the descendants of the Edomites went on to create what is now remembered as the Nabatean culture. Petra is the major preserved city of the Nabateans. The descendants of the ancient Nabateans are almost certainly represented among the Bedouins of modern southern Israel and Jordan.So much for history. Jewish tradition contains, starting in the books of Numbers, Deuteronomy and continuing into Chronicles and Kings, many stories of conflict between Edom and the Israelites. As a result, later Jewish sources described various enemies as being, at least spiritually, descended from Edom. During the Roman occupation, Rome was described as Edom. This can be considered a kind of code speak. For Jews to criticize Rome by name could have led to serious persecution, but they could write about the evils of Edom with impunity. Edom continued to be used as code for various persecutors up into the middle ages.

Who are the edomites called today?

The kingdom of Edom has long since disappeared. The land it once occupied was later known as Nabatea, but Nabatea is also long gone. The best guess is that the descendants of Edom are dispersed among the Bedouin population of Israel and Jordan. There was once a land of Cush. Who are the Cushites today? Probably southern Egyptians and Sudanese.

Where is Mount Se'-ir?

Mount Se'ir is located in the region of Edom, east of the Arabah valley in modern-day Jordan. It is described in the Bible as a mountain range within the land that was allotted to the descendants of Esau.

What is Clifton C. Edom's birthday?

Clifton C. Edom was born on February 12, 1907.

When was Clifton C. Edom born?

Clifton C. Edom was born on February 12, 1907.

Where is herod born?

Herod the Great was of Idumaean blood. The Idumaeans were of the Edomite stock, the descendants of Esau. However we do not know if Herod was born in Edom or in Israel as John Hyrcanus brought some idumaeans into Palestine about B.C. 130.

Where are the edomites today?

They no longer exist. They are the so-called white people. The fake Jews in Israel.

When did Clifton C. Edom die?

Clifton C. Edom died on January 30, 1991 at the age of 83.

What is another name of Esau that is mentioned in the Bible?

He was also called Edom because he sold his birthright for 'red' stew. (Genesis 25:25, 26, 30).Edom (Genesis ch. 36).

How old was Clifton C. Edom at death?

Clifton C. Edom died on January 30, 1991 at the age of 83.