god and the pope... duhhh( not mocking god or the pope ), ( mocking the stupid person who asked this. )
- Mother Teresa, Jesus of Nazareth.
If you are meaning more recent people then any bishop I guess.
The good samaritan is a story from the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is from God for people who are already Christians or who will be Christians some day.
Well this is because there religions Holy Books have told them about the beliefs and they trust there religion that's why!!
no becase some people are not holy but they still go to a holy school but they dtill laren about holy things in school
For some people it is a sacred place.
Everything good is holy angel. That is the reason for name holy.
They viewed it as a good source for the American colonies. They needed to find a good way to choose a leader for their country, and in response, asked the common people to vote or choose their leader.
Some uses for a chalice are that of using it as a cup for holy communion. Some people use it as a holy symbol on their altar, while others just have it as a decoration for their home.
Christianity had impact on the hearts and minds of people by the Holy Spirit transforming them in a good direction. Their was some amount of Jewish people who lived in Poland during WW2 and Poland fought along with the good allies against the Nazis.
Perhaps by some of the indigenous people who are still there.
Some people say things like sugar, heck, darn, holy cow, holy hot dog, holy shamolians, or son of a gun.
Yes we are. The Bible says when God made the earth and mankind, He said they were good. Afterwards He affirmed us as holy people, a chosen people in Christ Jesus because of the remission of man's sins through the Blood of Jesus.
The Catholic Church is the 'communion of holy people.'