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Revelation has not ceased, and man still needs communcation with God just as he did in biblical times. One can receive revelation for oneself and for ones family, but to receive revelation that involves all makind this can only come through a prophet of God, as there is only one man who can hold ALL the keys of the royal priesthood he must be a prophet of God, ordained and set apart to such a calling. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has as its head Jesus Christ, who has ordeained and set apart his prophet Gordon B Hinckley,to lead the church and to act as Gods messenger to all mankind the will of the Lord. President Hinkley is a prophet, seer and revelator, as are the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles who assist him. As already stated only the prophet holds ALL of the keys to administer the gospel.

The call of prophet to a woman has not been assigned.

One may question the above bold statement, so if one is to know the truth do as James says "Let him ask of God..."


Since the above answer was given there is a new prophet leading the church, Thomas S Monson. When a prophet dies it is usually the President of the Quorum of the twelve apostles who is called as the next prophet. This is done however after much prayer and fasting so that the will of the Lord may be known. The prophet, his two counselors and members of the Quorum of the twelve are all prophets seers and revelator's, but as stated above only the Prophet holds all of the keys which he delegates to all of the others so that they may carry out certain responsibilities.

When Christ set up His church He assigned Peter as the head of the church with James and John as Peters counselors. This was done so that the church might still function under an authorized leadership after the death of Christ. When all of the twelve were killed there was no one to call other prophets as no one had to authority to do so, not even the Bishops in Rome. The church therefore had to be reorganized under the direction of Christ.

Answer:While it has become increasingly popular to believe in the restoration of "end time" apostles and prophets, The Bible clearly does not support this notion. First, to address this question we must first scale the language barrier. In other words, the issue is not so much the words "prophet" or "prophetess" or "apostle" but the meaning that is ascribed to these words. For example, apostle may be used in the sense of a church planter, a missionary, or a pastor or pastors. Likewise, prophet may be used in the sense of a leader who inspires the church with vision for its mission or who challenges the church to deeper commitment to Christ. However, the words "prophet" or "prophetess" or "apostle" must not be used in a synonymous sense with the first century apostle John or the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah. People whose authority can not be questioned or who receive new doctrinal revelations do not exist today.

Furthermore, the Bible teaches that apostles and prophets were commissioned by God to be His personal spokespeople. Moreover, Ephesians 2:20 tells us that the church is "built on the foundations of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus as the chief cornerstone". Clearly, then, those who claim to be that kind of apostle or prophet today have taken upon themselves authority that was not given to them by God.

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10y ago
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6y ago

There are no Israelite prophets of God alive today. Prophecy ended about 2,400 years ago and Malachi was the last Jewish prophet.

After the time of the First Destruction, God's presence was no longer felt as clearly as before (see Deuteronomy 31:17-18); and nor is exile conducive to prophecy (Mechilta, parshat Bo). At that time, the last of the prophets realized that prophecy would soon cease.

Since then, no Jewish sage has ever claimed prophecy. Moreover, the Talmud (Bava Bathra 12b) states that since the time of the Destruction, "prophecy" has been given only to fools.

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12y ago

Yes! Pray, and ask God if He has called modern day prophets.

Dear asker

May I add to the first answer so that you might be clear on why the answer was given. If you remember in your reading of scripture, all of the prophets except for John were killed. Thought there were churches still functioning at this time none of the Bishops had the higher authority to call a new prophet. If therefore the true church was to be upon the earth again there had to be a restoration of the church. The first answer was a good one, but may I sugest you also read James Ch1 v 5-8.

With respect.

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14y ago

Every Prophet foretold the coming of someone after him. Even Jesus said: "When the Comforter comes, he will bring you into complete knowledge", the Comforter being a person, not the Holy Spirit as the Church falsely teaches.

Muhammad was the only one who said that he is the last Prophet.

There are no prophets after him, but Jesus does return.


God's Word is "timeless." The prophets recorded their inspirations and they are still a part of God's Word, preserved for us unto this day.

Prophets reveal "prophecies"... and prophecy is "history told in advance."

In Jesus' parable of Lazarus and the rich man, the rich man appears before Christ at the end on Judgment Day and tries to plead his case. He sees Abraham and Lazarus across the great gulf of the Lake of Fire that's tormenting him and threatening his resurrected mortal body. Abraham and Lazarus are immortal and in God's Kingdom.

The rich man pleads for the mercy he never displayed, and asks Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers of their careless, merciless lifestyles... and Abraham says:

"...they have Moses and the prophets (the Bible); let them hear them..." (Luke 16:29).

The prophets of today are the recorded prophets of old found in the Bible.

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9y ago

Judaism believes that the age of prophets ended centuries before the time of Jesus. Most Christians accepts that view.
Islam believes that Muhammad was the last and final prophet.

Mormonism believes that its founder, Joseph Smith, was a prophet, as are the presidents of the Church and all others who have "the testimony of Jesus Christ, for that is the spirit of prophecy." Thomas S. Monson is the current president and therefore, in Mormon belief, a prophet.

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13y ago

Yes! And you can know for yourself by pray, and ask God if He has called modern day prophets.

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13y ago

Today the days of the prophets are over, but there are some who claim to be prophets for money and self glory.

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14y ago

None of the prophets are alive currently. The last prophet, Muhammad (S) died on Monday, June 8, 632.

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