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Moses, Pharaoh, Joshua, Zipporah, Aaron, etc.

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Adam; Eve; Cain; Abel; Noah.

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Q: Who are five characters in the book of Exodus?
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The book of Exodus is found in which part of the Hebrew Bible?

The book of Exodus is part of the 'Pentateuch', which literally means 'five scrolls', or five books that form a single whole. They are ordered in the following way: 'Genesis', 'Exodus', 'Leviticus', 'Numbers', and 'Deuteronomy'. The Jewish name for these five books is 'Torah'. Thus, 'Exodus' represents the second book in the Hebrew Bible.

Is the book of Exodus one of the Pentateuch Books?

The 'Pentateuch' (Greek meaning 'five rolls' or 'fivefold volume') includes the first FIVE books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. So YES, the book of Exodus is part of the Pentateuch.

What is the second book called in the Old Testament?

The second book of the Bible is the book of Exodus. In Hebrew it is called Shmot.

What is the Jewish book that explains exodus?

Exodus is the name of the book. The book of Exodus itself is explained in the Midrash and in Rashi's commentary.

Who are the five main characters in the first eragon book?

Five integral characters in Eragon are Eragon, Saphira, Brom, Murtagh, and Arya. Eragon and Saphira are doubtlessly the most important characters out of them.

What Jewish holy book describes the story of the exodus?

The Book of Exodus.

What book of the bible is exile in?

Do you mean exodus? It's in the book of Exodus.

The Torah is not a book but is what?

The Torah is the first five books of the old testament, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

First book of the Old Testament?

first five books of the bible, in order Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Where was the book of exodus made?

The book of Exodus is a account of the journey from Egypt by Moses and the Jews.

What did you find confusing in the book of Exodus?

There is nothing confusing about the book of Exodus. This is a story from the Bible.

Was the exodus written before or after the Torah?

As part of it! That is, the book of Exodus contains important parts of the Torah and most of the rest is in Leviticus. However, the five books of Moses, the Pentateuch, are commonly referred to as the Torah.