There is nothing in either scripture or tradition that tells us anything about the family of Elizabeth.
We have absolutely no idea who buried Elizabeth. It was probably surviving family members and neighbors.
Last names (surnames) were not used at the time of John the Baptist.
King Herod and his family despised John the Baptist and were responsible for his death.
Christian...I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that she and her family are members of the Southern Baptist Convention.
100 or so, almost all are extended family members.
His father was a priest.
Christian. She and her family are members of the Southern Baptist Convention.
John the Baptist was a levitical Priest. It was conferred by his family. Levitical priests (see Aaron) have baptismal authority.
Elle and her family are members of the Southern Baptist Convention
They have around 80 church members. Most of them are family members.
His father was a priest. However, St. John was raised by the Essenes.