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asalam alaikum WA rahmatullahi barakato,

These are the ten people who are given the verdict of entering the paradise right here in the world by our beloved Prophet Muhammed sallahualaihiwasalam. They are

Abu Bakr Siddiq(R.A), Umar ibn Al Khattab(R.A) , Uthman bin Affan(R.A) , Ali bin Abi Talib(R.A) , Saad bin Abi Waqqas(R.A) , Abu Ubaydah ibn Al Jarrah(R.A) , Talha ibn Ubaydullah(R.A) , Az Zubair ibn Al Awwam(R.A) , Abdur Rahman ibn Awf(R.A) , Said ibn Zaid(R.A)......

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Ashrah Mubassharah (meaning the ten who have been given glad tidings) are the ten companions (sahaabah) of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) who were given the good news of being destined to paradise (jannah) in the world itself. These include:

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique
  2. Hazrat Umar Farooque
  3. Hazrat Uthmaan Ghani
  4. Hazrat Ali
  5. Hazrat Talha ibn Ubaid ul llah
  6. Zubair ibn Al Awwam
  7. Abdur Rehman ibn Auf
  8. Saa'd ibn abi Waqqas
  9. Abu Ubaidah ibn Al Jarrah
  10. Said ibn Zaid

May Allah be Pleased with all of them

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Q: Who are ashra mubashira in Islam?
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