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A central leadership is important because it helps maintain unity in the Church and assures that the same beliefs and teachings are followed throughout the Universal Church, that we are all 'on the same page' or 'marching to the same drummer' so to speak. This helps prevent heretical teachings from finding their way into Church doctrine. In many non Catholic churches today their is a real crisis of leadership - there is none and each congregation does its own thing and many times what they do is in direct opposition to what The Bible tells us.

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It has been said that 'everything rises and falls on leadership' and that is true of business, Church, or Family.

Whenever there are more than one being there needs to be a leader. In the God Family, the Father is the Leader and the Son is under Him doing His will. In the early Church, Peter was the administrative Leader over all while James became the Leader of the Church of God at Jerusalem and Paul the leader to the Gentiles. Christian Churches have one at the top referred to as a Bishop and many others under this position.

See related link for additonal information:

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