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Answer:Eve Answer:Neither is more or less important than the other. God, however, did place Eve under Adams rule after they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Genesis 3:16 (KJV) Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

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Q: Who's more important Adam or Eve?
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Are Adam and Eve important in more than one religion?

Adam and Eve, first mentioned in the Hebrew scriptures, are important in all the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Mandaeanism, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism.

What fruit did good say Adam and Eve eat?

the apple Actually, the bible never tells you what Adam and Eve eat because it is not very important.

Why did Satan encourage Eve rather than Adam?

OpinionThe story of Adam and Eve was written from a male point of view. It was more acceptable for the story if the man, Adam, could be portrayed as the more or less innocent party, even though it was Adam, not Eve, that God warned not to eat the fruit.

Where did came from Adam and Eve?

Adam and Eve were created by Jehovah (God).

What is the name of a video about Adam and Eve?

There are three movies that deal directly with Adam and Eve; they are The Bible: In The Beginning, The Sin of Adam And Eve and The Creation: Adam And Eve. There are several movies that have excerpts of the story of Adam and Eve but they are only reference points.

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The historical position is that neither Noah nor Adam and Eve actually existed. The biblical position is that Noah was after Adam and Eve.

Did Adam and Eve just appear?

No Adam and Eve were not there by accident, they were created by god, Adam from the clay and Eve from one of Adams rib.

Did the snake trick Adam in the Adam and Eve story?

No, the snake tricked Eve into eating the fruit, then Eve persuaded Adam to eat it.

Who was the oldest child of Adam and Eve?

The third son of Adam and Eve was called Seth.

Adam and Eve who is more sinful?

Supposedly, Adam is the more sinful one, because he bit the apple and god said not to do that.

Adam and Eve who?

ADAM AND EVE was the 1st man and woman on earth!!