Islam means submission to the will of Allah. Abraham, Moses and Jesus are all Prophet of Islam and Prophet Mohammad is the last Messenger of Islam. All the Prophets came with one message that is "There is no god worthy of worship except Allah". New messenger comes for one of these reasons, if the previous message is distorted or lost or the message was for a specific place. Prophet also comes to revive the existing message.
Muslims believe in all God prophets. However, Christians and Jews don't believe in prophet Muhammad as God prophet. Accordingly, all prophets before prophet Muhammad are shared in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism; including Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, John, David, Solomon, Moses, ..., and Jesus (peace be upon them all).
Simply stated, no.
jews are made to live in heaven.
Jews and Muslims do not worship any prophet. Both Judaism and Islam hold that God and only God is the appropriate object of worship. Muslims consider Jesus a prophet, and Christians do worship Jesus. Christians do not worship any of the other people that both Jews and Muslims respect as prophets.Perhaps the question should have been "what prophets are accepted as legitimate by Jews, Christians and Muslims." In that case, all of the prophets accepted by Judaism are on the list, not just one single prophet. Moses, yes, but also Abraham and Isaiah are on the list.
All three agree Moses was a prophet.
Hate is not a tenet of Christianity. I am not familiar with the tenets of Islam
The Muslims believe in all prophets (May peace be upon them all). They believe in Hazrat Adam AS, Hazrat Abraham AS. Hazrat Moses AS, Hazrat Jesus Christ AS and the last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad SAW. The Jews also believe in the Prophets belonging to Judaism. The Christians believe in Jesus Christ AS.
The Muslims are similar to the Jews and the Christians. The followers of these three religions have many common beliefs. They have faith in the oNENEss of Almighty God, Prophets, heavenly Books, Hell and heaven, life hereafter, Day of Judgment etc.
Christians believe in all of the Bible, Jews believe in the Old Testament part of the Bible and Muslims profess to believe in "all the Prophets and all the Scriptures." At the same time, however, they dismiss the Bible as being invalid and untrustworthy.
Since the Muslims believe that Jews and Christians were "People of the book", they received special treatment.
Jerusalem is important to Jews because it is their Holy Land and ancestral home. To Christians it is the place of Jesus' resurrection. To Muslims it is important because it is the birthplace of some of their prophets, most of which are also revered by Christians and Jews.
Jerusalem is considered holy by Muslims, Jews, and Christians.