What did the Quraysh tribe plan to do to the Prophet saw on the day he was ordered by Allah to migrate to Madina?
They had not accepted Islam. Some of them tried to bribe Prophet
Muhammad (S) with money and power, including an offer to make him
king. The Quraish's were enemies of the Prophet Muhammad (S), they
began to persecute the Prophet (S) and his followers. Prophet
Muhammad (S) waspublicly humiliated. Quraish's threw dirt on him
whilst walking on the street and whilst he was praying.
Abu Jahl wanted to step on the Prophet's neck, Abu Jahl said,
"If I see Muhammad praying at the Ka'ba, I will tread on his neck."
When the Prophet heard of that, he said, "If he does so, the Angels
will snatch him away." Abu Jahl did not attempt this!