

Best Answer

There may be others, but the ones we know of immediately are the religions that

acknowledge some responsibility to the "Judeo-Christian" Bible, such as Judaism

and Christianity for example.

In the case of Judaism, the question doesn't accurately describe The Bible's attitude

on the subject. Concerning Jews who feel an obligation to live according to Jewish

law, the Torah doesn't "ask" them to practice charity. In Judaism, the support of the

poor, as well as widows, orphans, travelers, and Levites, is a positive commandment,

of a rank equal to repentance and prayer. Jews are not "asked" to help them. Jews

are commanded to support them, whether or not the Jew has "a good heart", and

whether or not the Jew feels that those people deserve the charity.

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this question is very easy.the answer is:Sikhism and Islam.

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The Godless Heathens.

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Q: Which religions give alms to the poor?
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What are the Muslims required to give to the poor?


Are Muslims the only relious group that emphaszes giving?

No. Giving alms, helping the poor and needy, being kind and helpful to others are the qualities preached by all religions and found in human nature. The Muslims are commanded by Almighty God to give alms frequently. However, they are bound to give at least 2.5% on the annual saving. You may find Philanthropists like Bill Gates in all religions of the world.

How do you use alms in a sentence?

Alms for the poor

What does oms for the poor mean?

It is actually "alms" for the poor. Alms are the charity given to someone or organization, such as when one donates to a church. So when someone says, "...alms, alms for the poor..." it means "I need a donation of money because I am poor"

What is the definition of alms for the poor?

Alms is money or goods gathered by or for the poor. A L M S

What does alms giving mean?

Alms-giving, also called "Zakat" is what Muslims do when they give a portion of their wealth (in the form of food, money etc.) to the poor. Alms-giving is also one of the 5 pillars of Islam.

Can you give me a copy of declamation piece alms alms alms?

i want a copy....please give mea copy

What religion observes the alms rite?

There are a couple of religions that observes the alms rite. Some of the religion that observes the alms rite are Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam.

What do you mean by giving of alms in Christianity?

Alms are donations given to the needy and poor peoples.

What is alms in Islam?

Alms means charity. In Islam, we call that zakat. It is obligatory to give away 2.5% of one's revenue & savings and 10% of one's income to the poor. If one is poor and cannot give zakat however, then Allah [SWT] shall forgive that person because Allah [SWT] is the Most Merciful.

What is another word for are gifts to the poor?


What is a word for money given to the poor?
