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i think the main people that believe in god of Abraham are Jewish, Catholic, Christian, Lutheran and many more.

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Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They are known as the Abrahamic religions.

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Q: Which religions believe in the God of Abraham?
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What God do the Abraham religions believe in?

The God Yahweh (english translation Jehovah) This name is found in most Bibles at Exodus chapter 3 verse 15.

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The followers of the three religions believe in Abraham and Moses as prophets. They believe in the same God.

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They believe that God promised to protect Abraham and his people.

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All religions believe in a god. However if you are speaking of the Christian God, then the answer is the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic people believe in God.

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Yes, Ishmael and Esau did worship the same God as Abraham, who is considered the patriarch of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). They all followed the monotheistic faith that believes in one God.

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The God of Abraham.

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Yes all religions in the world believe in One God.

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AnswerThere is no one single term for the religions that do not believe in God. Since the religions that do worship God are sometimes collectively referred to as Abrahamic religions, perhaps the best term, sometimes used, is "non-Abrahamic religions".

What god does south Korea's believe in?

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