Jewish answer:
The word "messiah" is the transliterated form of the Hebrew "moshiach." The word moshiach translates to "anointed." The title of moshiach was given to any person who was appropriately anointed with oil as part of their initiation to their service of God. We have had many meshichim (plural) in the form of kings and priests. There is absolutely nothing supernatural about a moshiach.
This being said, there is a prophecy of a future moshiach; however, this is a relatively minor topic in Judaism and the Tanach.
The Jewish requirements of hamoshiach are:
* Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28)
* Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6)
* Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war any more." (Isaiah 2:4)
* Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world. On that day, God will be One and His Name will be One." (Zechariah 14:9)
* Hamoshiach must be descended on his father's side from King David (Genesis 49:10 and Isaiah 11:1)
* Hamoshiach will lead the Jewish people to full Torah-observance. The Torah states that all of its mitzvot (commands) remain binding forever.
Judaism believes the Messiah is to come, and Christianity believes Jesus is the Messiah.Islam believes in the Mahdi.
Seems like all the major religions are waiting on their messiah. As a Christian, I'm
waiting as its been "2 days" since our Master left here in 2020.
The book of truth is open for review by anyone who is looking for answers before
the LORD's soon return. He did this for everyone including atheists, agnostics...
so "HIS house will be full." More can be found about the book of truth at daniel11truth
but don't delay as HE is due at anytime now once you read about the Abomination of
Desolation. Thanks for the question and allowing my post.
Jews call "the Messiah" as "the Messiah" or in Hebrew "HaMoshiach" (המשיח). However, as opposed to other religions, such as Christianity or Islam, Judaism does not believe that the Messiah has come yet and therefore is not identified with any person. For example, Jews don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah and, therefore, do not accept the Christian or Islamic claims that he was a God prophet or God/son of God.
Christians believe that Judaism laid the foundation for Christianity and our Messiah and Savior Jesus Christ, but that God gave us Christianity to be forgiven through salvation.
God and Messiah Jesus Christ, though Jewish people believe in the Messiah, most don't recognize yet that it is Jesus. While Muslims believe in Jesus from their scripture they don't recognize Christ yet for who he really is. The prophet Abraham is viewed highly by all 3 religions.
Well, first of all both religions believe in the Old Testament as the Word of God. And both of them believe in the Messiah, a Saviour who will free the world from evil and will be a global emperor bringing heaven alive on earth. He is the Son of God. But while the Jews believe that the Messiah is still to come, the Christian's already believe that the Messiah is Jesus Christ and his Resurrection has established the Kingdom of the Spirit on the earth. Also except for such sects as the Mormons ,most Christians believe that the Jews are Gods chosen people. Both religions celebrate the Sabbath ,even though they are on separate days .
Muslims believe in one God: Allah. He is the God of Abraham in the Old Testament account. Islam, like Christianity are Abrahamic religions that grew out of Judaism. All three religions believe in the same God, the original God of the Hebrew peoples. Jews generally believe the Messiah has not yet come and that Jesus, who was a practicing Jew, is not the Messiah but a learrn-ed teacher and Rabbi. Muslims believe Jesus to be a prophet, but also believe Muhammed was the last and greatest prophet. Christians of course, for the post part consider Jesus to be the Messiah. Allah is simply the Arabic word for God.
One example of a religion that does not believe in Jesus as the central figure is Judaism. In Judaism, Jesus is not recognized as the Messiah or divine figure, and he is not considered part of their religious beliefs or teachings.
I believe you mean messiah and its somewhat of a prophet or someone preaching a religions stories/psalms whatever idk im not really affiliated with religion.
No Islam does not believe that Jesus is messiah they believe that there is no messiah. They also believe that works get you to go to live with God (in Arabic Allah) in heaven. I for one believe that Jesus is messiah that he is the only way to get into heaven and that you have to believe that he died on the cross for our sins so that we might be saved.
Both religions believe in the idea of one God (though the concept of God is viewed very differently within the two religions). Both religions share the Hebrew Bible, though the Christian version, called the Old Testament, is only read in translation and the early church changed the order of the books. Jews keep the Hebrew Bible in its original order. Both religions teach a philosophy of treating others with kindness (though the early and medieval Christians were not very kind to Jews.)
Muslims believe that the messiah will ascend from the heavens.
Yes, they do force children to believe in God, but a religious upbringing tells them a religion (if they don't know) and the upbringing will let them know that almost all religions believe in God. The only problem is they believe in different gods. In Christianity, they believe in God AND Jesus Christ as the Son. In Islam, They believe in God and pronounce it as Allah. Islam does not believe that Allah has a Son. Hinduism believes in statues. And Judaism believes that Jesus Christ is a prophet. Christianity also believes that Jesus Christ is our savior and God gave us a gift called salvation. They sometimes call Jesus as the Messiah, which means Jesus Christ. There is a difference between messiah and Messiah. A messiah is a savior or a liberator, while a Messiah is Jesus.
Christians believe that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. Jews disagree.