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The smallest religion is most likely the Shakers. There is only one active community left with only 3 members. It is the Sabbath Day Lake Shaker Village in New Gloucester, Maine, about 30-minutes northwest of Portland.


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Q: Which religion is the smallest?
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Islam is a religion not a country. Refer to question below.

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I don't see any chart.

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It is difficult to determine the "smallest" religion as religion is not strictly measured by size. However, some religions with relatively fewer followers include Baha'i, Jainism, and Zoroastrianism.

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There are many "religions" with only one believer each. These are collectively known as ideologies.

What is the world's smallest religion?

Noendism: only two adherents in the world. The Zoroastrians there are only between 145,000 and 210,000 in the world!