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Q: Which religion is associated with the Sermon on the Mount?
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What religion is associated with the Sermon on the Mount?


Does the sermon on the mount apply to Hindu too?

Probably not because the Sermon on the Mount has to do with Jesus and the Hindu religion does not believe in Jesus, but they probably believe in the message of the story.

What has the author Thomas Worsley written?

Thomas Worsley has written: 'The province of the intellect in religion deduced from Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount, and considered with reference to prevalent errors ..' -- subject(s): Sermon on the mount, Doctrinal Theology

Was the sermon on the mount mount sinai?


Who was the sermon of the mount peached by?

Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5 - 7).

What is the name of the mount in the sermon on the mount?

I think its the Mount Of Olives.

Which NT book has Jesus sermon on the mount?

A:The Sermon on the Mount is found only in the Gospel of Matthew. Luke's Gospel contains a similar sermon known as the Sermon on the Plain. Both are based on teachings in the hypothetical 'Q' document, which contained four of the beatitudes, with variants of the originals in Matthew and Luke respectively.

What was Jesus most famous sermon called?

Probably you are referring to 'The Sermon on the Mount'. This is to be found in the Bible in Matthew's gospel, chapters 5, 6 and 7.

Does the alcoholics anonymous book come from the bible?

part of the AA comes from the book of James, the sermon on the mount and from the oxford group which was an organized religion.

What has the author E Lyttelton written?

E. Lyttelton has written: 'Studies in the Sermon on the Mount' -- subject(s): Sermon on the mount

What is the central message of the sermon?

The central message of the Sermon on the Mount was to show that happiness depended much an individual's relationship with God. Jesus outlined nine happinesses in the Sermon on the Mount.

Who wrote sermon on the mount?

The Sermon on the Mount appears in Matthew's Gospel, where Jesus preaches to the multitude.Matthew is not considered to have been the original source of the Sermon on the Mount material, as much of it also appears in Luke's Gospel, which has Jesus give privately to the disciples alone and not even as a discrete sermon. The source for much of the material in the Sermon on the Mount, including four of the Beatitudes, is the hypothetical 'Q' document.