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There is not much in common between Buddhism (no soul, no god) and Islam (soul, god) so probably most religions would not take practices from both.

However, Unitarian Universalists promote a free and responsible search for truth and meaning and encourage learning about and respecting the religious beliefs and practices of others.

Also, the Bahá'í Faith emerged from an Islamic context but also recognizes the Buddha as one of the messengers of God. They believe that all world religions are in essence stages in the ongoing revelation of the one religion.

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14y ago

The New Age adherents, the good ones, do study both Buddhism and Christianity, and many also Hinduism or any other decent religious books they can find the time to read. This is because they are always wanting more truthfulnesses, and often are learning so that they can in some way at all, contribute to World Peace by understanding the various religions that may be at war; so they combine more than one religion in their own learnings or even experience.

Some of the older New Age adherents have gone astray because some drug dealers wanted to recruit anyone and invited people to parties and promised Peace via drugs, that didn't work and never did, and ruined quite a lot of the New Age movement adherents; yet there seems to be a revival again, this time, without the drugs and without dropping out of schools and universities.

The Spiritualists have a non-predjudicial way that means if a Spirit who is learned in Hindu or Buddhism, or Christianity, or other such religion, those ones too are accepted on the basis of whatever WISDOM they can bring to Earth, as long as it's from Heaven, and also, the Spiritualists do often talk with Heavenly Angels, and others.

I would think the above are not the only ones that respect and admire the Buddhist path and also the Hindu path, especially groups in India.

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11y ago

Ans: Jainism because in Muslim Mohamad is messanger and Hinuism final Avtara KALGI is still coming. Jainism answered both of . All Human is potesiles of becoming GOD.

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11y ago

Some believe Sikhism is combination of Hinduism and Islam. Others claim it is entirely a different religion that was found by Guru Nanak.
Sikhism is seen to be a hybrid of Hinduism and Islam, but is really based a mixture of the Muslim and Hindu mystical traditions.

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12y ago

Though some people have misconception that Sikhism is a blend of Hinduism and Islam - it is not true. Sikhism is an entirely different religion found by Guru Nanak.

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