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The Bible says queen sheeba visited King Solomon to find out for her self if indeed he was rich and clever as people said he was.

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Q: Which queen made a visit to King Solomon?
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Who is the rich queen that made the famous visit to Solomon?

The Queen of Sheba. See 1 Kings ch.10.

How old was king Solomon when he was made king?

he was 8

How did they cut the wood for king Solomon's temple?

I don't think they made King Solomon's temple out of wood, i think it was made out of gold.

What did Solomon do during his regin?

King Solomon was wise and popular king, he made the country rich and built the temple.

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Menkaure was made king in 2490 BC.

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After Solomon, the nation of Israel split in two. Solomon's son, Rehoboam, ruled over the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin(1 Kings 11:43), and Jeroboam ruled over the remaining ten tribes.

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The queen/king has to knight you.

The contributions king Solomon of to the religion?

The book Song of Solomon in the Bible was made by him along with the book Proverbs. These two books are full of wisdom.

How did god give Solomon power?

God made a covenant with King David and based on his promise ask Solomon for anything he desires. God does not go back on his word so fulfill it by granting Solomon wisdom for that is what he requested. It was through God's wisdom that made Solomon powerful.

Who made plans to build a Temple in Jerusalem?

The temple was built by king Solomon, but David (Solomon's father) was the one who laid the plans and dug the foundation.

What made the Hebrew kingdoms split?

Once King Solomon died in 922 B.C., King Solomon's son took over and the northern tribe refused to pay loyalty until he lowered taxes and lowered labor on building projects. King Solomon's son said no and they separated into Israel and Judah.

What were some of the choices that King Solomon made that hurt his friendship with God?

He worshipped other gods.