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There have been no popes followed directly by their sons. However, St. Hormisdas (514-23) was the father of St. Silverius (536-7). Several popes are known to have had sons before they became clerics. Other Popes have belonged to the same family, without being related to one another as father and son.

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We can never know all of the popes whose fathers were also popes, because of the practice by senior clergy of referring to their illegitimate sons as nephews, in order to maintain the fiction of celibacy. In some cases, it is clear that a so-called 'nephew' was really an illegitimate son; in other cases, it is equally clear that the younger man was certainly a nephew and therefore not a son; while sometimes there is no certainty whether or not the 'nephew' was an illegitimate son of a particular pope.

Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) was the 'nephew' of Pope Clement III, and his own nephew was destined to become Pope Gregory IX, whose nephew in turn became Pope Alexander IV. Given the moral tone of the Vatican during much of the Middle Ages, it is quite possible that the four popes just mentioned all formed a dynastic line from father to son.

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The Holy Father wears a white cassock with a white cincture, and a white shoulder cape. Some popes have been known to wear red shoes, which dates back centuries, Pope Benedict XVI wore them, Pope Francis does not. Popes also wear a white zucchetto. See photo attached below.

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Popes do not elect popes. Popes are elected by the cardinal electors.

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. Popes are elevated from the College of Cardinals. .