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Ash-Shuara with 227 verses is second. First being Al-Baqara with 228 verses.

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Q: Which one is the second largest surah in quran?
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because the prophet muhammed called the this surah one third of quran

Which surah in Quran has 3rd sajada?

No such surah has three sajud. The Quran holds a total of 14 Sajud. The only surah that has more than one sajdah is Surah no 22; Surah Al Hajj which has a total of 2 sajud.

Which one is the lengthy ayah in Quran?

The lengthiest ayah in the Quran is in Surah Al Baqarah, on page 48.

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Asalaamualaikum, There Are 114 Surahs in the Qur'an, Surah Fathihah Being the first one and Surah An-Naas Being the last one But the First Surah That was revealed is Surah Alaq. Allah Knows Best.

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Quran has 114 Surah & each one starts with the bamalah except one surah which is Al-Tawbah (The Repentance). A special case is in surat Al-Naml (The Ant) where there is two basmalah. Accordingly, Quran still has 114 basmalah.

How many fatha in the quran?

if mean how many surah fatha so only one time

What is the 74th surah in the quran?

Al MuddaththirSurah 74. The Cloaked One, The Man Wearing A Cloak

How many surah are in the Holy Quran with the name of Holy prophet?

Only one Sura is named "Muhammad".

How many surah starts in one letter?

There are six Surahs in the Quran that start with the Arabic letter "Qaf."

What is the most important surah in the Quran?

in my opinion we can not say which one is more important because all of them even the surah which is the shortest in the Quran has a lot of messages for mankind. These messages teach us a lot of things about our life ,our behaviour with others ,the aim of living and etc.

What 4 things are mentioned in a surah in quran that are forbiden for Muslims?

alcohol, blood, pork.......and one other thing

Which sura is known as young girls in the holly quran?

There isn't a sura known as for "young girls" but there is one for females in general. It is the 4th surah in the Quran -Sura Al-Nisaa.