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monotheism (belief in one god)

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Q: Which of these types of beliefs made Judaism unique?
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Judaism was radically different from other religions when it first began. Which of these types of beliefs made Judaism unique?

monotheism (belief in one god)

What made Judaism unique from other religions?

Back when Judaism was first Founded, all other religions were polytheistic. Judaism was monotheistic.

Who was Judaism made with?

Judaism began when the Israelites accepted the Torah from HaShem (The Creator) in the Sinai.

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What made you unique?

You made yourself unique,like evryone. Keep doing it!

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ur ugly face is what made it unique

What did Allah do in Judaism?

Allah is the Arabic word for God. In Judaism, God made a covenant with the Jewish people.

who were people made by?

According to christian beliefs people were made by God the creator According to hindu beliefs people were made by Brahma the creator

Who are the people who made the greatest contributions to Judaism?


What is the difference between a Jew and a pie?

A Jew is a human being whose beliefs reside in Judaism. A pie is a food made from a various assortment of ingredients, depending on the pie being made. Pie almost always involves a type of bread enclosing a sort of filling, like chocolate or apple.

What made Muhammad change his polytheistic beliefs?

Islam is the continuation of Judaism and Christianity. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet of Islam. Like all the heavenly religions, Islam believes in ONENESS of Almighty Allah (God). Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was ordained by Almighty Allah through Arch Angel Gabriel to preach the beliefs of Islam.

What was the first 10 religion made?

The first religion ever made was Judaism and Christain