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The holiday that celebrates the presentation of the Ten Commandments by God to the Israelites is called Shavuot.

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Q: Which of these holidays celebrates the presentation of the Ten Commandments by God to the?
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What holiday celebrates the presentation of the Ten Commandments by God to the Israelites?

Shavuot ("Weeks"), seven weeks after Passover.

Which of these holidays celebrates the presentation of the ten commandments by god to the Hebrew people?

Shavuot "sha-VOO-ote" in Hebrew. The word means "Weeks", probably because of the holiday's timing: It's the only holiday in the Torah without a date of its own, defined only as commencing seven weeks after the beginning of Passover. In 2011, Shavuot begins at sunset on Tuesday, June 7.

What two holidays did Moses establish?

Moses figures prominently in the celebration of two Jewish holidays, Pesach (Passover) and Shavuot. Pesach celebrates the exodus of the Jews from slavery in Egypt, and Shavuot celebrates the Giving of the Law of Moses on Mount Sinai 49 days later. Moses led the Exodus, then received the Law from God on Mount Sinai.These two holidays coincide with the Christian celebrations of Easter and Pentecost.Answer:Moses did not establish any occasions of any kind. The holidays of the Torah were established by God. There are more than two; you can see them listed in Leviticus ch.23.

Who did god give the commandments to?

God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai.

Man who received the ten commandments from god?

It was Moses who collected the ten commandments from god.

What did god write the 10 commandments on?

God answered the Ten Commandments on stone.

What is the presentation of out lord?

The Presentation of our Lord was the presentation of Jesus as an infant to God in the Temple.

What Is AJHA?

Eid al-Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice, is one of the two religious holidays of the Muslim year. This feast celebrates the fact that God did not require Abraham (God bless him and grant him peace) to sacrifice his son, but allowed the sacifice of a sheep, instead.

What covenant with God did the Israelites believe was reaffirmed by the ten commandments?

They believed that the giving of the commandments reaffirmed their covenant with god.

How many are the comanments of God?

There are traditionally ten commandments of God in the Bible. These commandments outline moral and ethical guidelines for living a righteous life.

What is Eid-ul-Ajha?

Eid al-Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice, is one of the two religious holidays of the Muslim year. This feast celebrates the fact that God did not require Abraham (God bless him and grant him peace) to sacrifice his son, but allowed the sacifice of a sheep, instead.

Why can't anyone keep God's commandments perfectly?

We can't follow God's commandments perfectly because no one is perfect.