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five steps

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Q: Which of the following is not a Buddhist belief?
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Which of the following is not a Buddhist belief A three jewels B eightfold path C four noble truths D five steps?

Five steps is not a Buddhist belief.

Is Phil a Buddhist?

Phil Mickelson is not a Buddhist. His bio doesn't specify his belief system.

What does Vietnam believe in?

Buddhist is their main belief

What is the Buddhist belief about karma?

What are not Buddhist belief?

Buddhism does not believe in a Supreme Creator.

What term describes the buddhist belief in an escape from suffering?


Who follows the Buddhist religious belief?

buddhists, funnily enough

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In 2008 what was the religious belief of japan?

Most Japanese are Shinto and Buddhist.

How many planes of existence are there?

There are 31 planes of existence in Buddhist belief

Which is the central belief of Hinduism?

The central belief is focused on nonviolence and personal effort to progress the soul towards divine consciousness. Basically live and let live.

Is it wrong to be half Buddhist and half Catholic?

Not at all, that's why it is called your "Belief" my friend.