

Best Answer

Turned water into wine John 2:1

Many healings Matt. 4:23, Mark 1:32

Healed a leper Matt. 8:1, Mark 1:40, Luke 5:12

Healed a Roman Centurion's servant Matt. 8:5, Luke 7:1

Healed Peter's mother in law Matt. 8:14, Mark 1:29, Luke 4:38

Calming of the storm at sea Matt. 8:23, Mark 4:35, Luke 8:22

Healed the wild men of Gadara Matt. 8:28, Mark 5:1, Luke 8:26

Healed a lame man Matt. 9:1, Mark 2:1, Luke 5:18

Healed a woman w/a hemorrhage Matt. 9:20, Mark 5:25, Luke 8:43

Raising of Jairus' daughter Matt. 9:23, Mark 5:22, Luke 8:41

Healed two blind men Matt. 9:27

Healed a demon possessed man Matt. 9:32

Healed a man with a withered hand Matt. 12:10, Mark 3:1, Luke 6:6

Feeding 5000 people Matt. 14:15, Mark 6:35, Luke 9:12, John 6:1

Waled on water Matt. 14:22, Mark 6:47, John 6:16

Healed Syrophenician's daughter Matt. 15:21, Mark 7:24

Feeding of 4000 people Matt. 15:32, Mark 8:1

Healed an epileptic boy Matt. 17:14, Mark 9:14, Luke 9:37

Healed two blind men at Jericho Matt. 20:30

Healed a man with an unclean spirit Mark 1:23, Luke 4:33

Healed a deaf speechless man Mark 7:31

Healed a blind man at Bethesda Mark 8:22

Healing of blind Bartimaeus Mark 19:46, Luke 18:35

A miraculous catch of fish Luke 5:4, John 21:1

Raised a widow's son Luke 7:11

Healing of a stooped woman Luke 13:11

Healing of a man with dropsy Luke 14:1

Healing of 10 lepers Luke 17:11

Healed Malchus' ear Luke 22:50

Healing of royal official's son John 4:46

Healing of a lame man at Bethesda John5:1

Healing of a blind man John 9:1

Raising of Lazarus John 11:38

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12y ago
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14y ago

Christians believe that Jesus:

  • walked on water.
  • made insane people sane
  • made a multitude of fish appear in Simon Peter's fishing net
  • caused a fig tree to wither
  • replaced the ear that Peter cut off the man that came to take Jesus to be crucified
  • changed water into wine
  • raised people from the dead (Matthew 9:18-26; Luke 7:11; John 11)
  • Cured the blind, the crippled and paralysed , the deaf , lepers , the woman with a hemorrhage, an epileptic boy , and a man with dropsy
  • fed thousands with a little food
  • calmed a storm
  • and He rose from the dead Himself. name but a few.

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11y ago
Answer from Islamic Perspective:In Islam religion, Jesus (peace be upon him) is believed as one of the greatest prophets and one of the greatest messengers of God to mankind.

Muslims believe that Jesus was born as a miracle by a command of God to the virgin Mary (Mariam). Quran states (with meaning translation) the following on the birth of Jesus (peace be upon him) when the angels said, "O Mary, God gives you good news of a word from Him (God), whose name is the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, revered in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near (to God). He will speak to the people from his cradle and as a man, and he is of the righteous." She said, "My Lord, how can I have a child when no mortal has touched me?" He said, "So (it will be). God creates what He wills. If He decrees a thing, He says to it only, 'Be!' and it is." (Quran, 3:45-47)

Jesus was born as miracle by the word and command of God. This command is, as said in Quran, the same command that had brought Adam into being with neither a father nor a mother. God has said in Quran:The case of Jesus with God is like the case of Adam. He created him from dust, and then He said to him, "Be!" and he came into being. (Quran, 3/59)

During the prophetic mission of Jesus (peace be upon him), Jesus performed many miracles. God tells us that Jesus said:"I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I make for you the shape of a bird out of clay, I breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by God's permission. I heal the blind from birth and the leper. And I bring the dead to life by God's permission. And I tell you what you eat and what you store in your houses...." (Quran, 3/49)

Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified. God miraculously saved Jesus and raised him up to Him (to God). God, the all Mighty, put the likeness of Jesus (peace upon him) over another man. The enemies of Jesus (peace upon him) thought that the this other man is Jesus and they took him and crucified him. God has said:...They said, "We killed the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God." They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but the likeness of him was put on another man (and they killed that man)... (Quran, 4/157)

Muslims believe that Jesus was lifted bodily to the Heaven by God and they believe that he will come back to earth to resolve the disputes and bring back peace to mankind.

Answer from Christian Perspective:Christians believe Jesus performed all miracles recorded in The Bible attributed to Him, based on multiple eyewitness testimonies of the unique birth, life, miracles, death, bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.

Eyewitnesses of Jesus' miracles included many people who knew Him face to face for three years, such as the Apostles, so they could not have mistaken His identity. They saw, heard, touched, ate and drank with Christ after His bodily resurrection for 40 days. This overwhelming physical evidence overcame their initial incredulity and disbelief. They were so sure of their experience that they were also willing to die for what they knew to be true. People may sometimes die for a lie, but for a large group of individuals to all willingly endure severe persecution throughout their lives and die torturous deaths for something they know to be a lie (which they certainly would have known), doesn't happen.

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Q: Which miracles do Christians believe Jesus performed?
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Which miracles do christans believe jesus performed?

Jesus did a great deal of miracles in the short time he was here.

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The miracles performed by Jesus should not be regarded as magic tricks.

What do Christians believe about Jesus' miracles?

Some take them literally; some take them symbolically.

Do Lutherans believe in miracles?

As do the vast majority of other Christians, Protestants, like Catholics, believe that the miracles are signs (as stated in John's gospel) pointing to the divinity of Jesus Christ. Most protestants take the miracles literally as they remind us of the power of God at work in this world. Protestants also believe in miracles happening throughout history and today. However, unlike Catholics they do not revere anyone as saints because a miracle (or miracles) happened after prayer to that saint. Protestants believe that miracles can only be performed in the power and name of Jesus Christ and not by praying to a dead saint.

Did Jesus perform miracles in Palestine?

Most Christians believe: yes he did, just as recorded in the gospels. Some, such as the Jesus Seminar, say that not all the events described in the gospels really happened, but Jesus may have performed some miracles in Palestine. Finally, others point out that there are credible reasons for rejecting the historicity of each miracle in the New Testament. On this last view, Jesus did not perform any miracles.

Which miracles do christ ians believe Jesus performed?

The whole lot that are written the Gospels in the Bible.

Jesus performed many what?

Jesus performed many miracles or wonders.

Which miracles do christians belived Jesus performed?

Jesus performed thousands of miracles including walking on water, raising people from the dead, turning water into wine, curing people of blindness and leprosy and many other diseases that were incurable (or at least, at the time), and many others.

How many miracles did Jesus perform in the book of Luke?

Jesus performed 19 miracles in Luke.

Which gospel emphasize Jesus miracles?

All four Gospels contain miracles performed by Jesus.

Which miracles do christians believe jesus preformed?

There are too many to name he performed thousands and is still performing them today but just to name some... he healed the sick, the blind, the hurt, brought the dead back to life... there are so many

What are xn's beliefes in miracles?

There are a wide variety of beliefs in miracles throughout the Christian community. Many Christians believe that God worked miracles in ancient times directly or through the prophets, as reported in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament,) as well as the miracles performed by Christs, Apostles and early disciples, recorded in the Christian Scriptures. Some churches teach that the Age of Miracles ended when the Bible came into use in the community of believers, and that there are no valid miracles occurring today. Other Christians believe and expect miracles to happen today, and are ready to "testify" to their experience of God's direct and miraculous intervention in their lives. Still other Christians are skeptical about all miracle stories, ancient and modern. They may be faithful believers, but find no need to believe in the supernatural in order to be followers of Jesus Christ.