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Absolam, rebel son of King David

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Q: Which man in the bible dies as a result of having his hair caught in tree branches as he rides a donkey?
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Related questions

What is the offspring for a male donkey and female donkey?

A donkey is the result of breeding male and female donkeys. This is true of all species. Horses give rise to horses and butterflies to butterflies.

Can you breed brother donkey to sister donkey?

Yes they only breed with their breed.The above is only partly true. A donkey is a breed, or species (Equuis asines), It, therefore, can breed true - that is, a male and a female donkey will produce another donkey.However, a donkey can interbreed with a horse as follows:A female horse (mare), and a male donkey will produce a mule.A male horse (stallion), and a female donkey will produce a hinny.

When you beed a mule with a horse?

You cannot breed a mule. Mules are not able to reproduce. A mule is the result of a horse and a Donkey.

What is an example to explain natural selction?

If a donkey went to a forest and stayed their for about a month or two,you will find him dead. However, if you found a monkey that lives in this forest,you would find it dead,because the monkey is adapted to the environment,forest, but the donkey isn't,as a result the monkey would reproduce unlike the donkey.

What is a bad result of doing drugs?

If you get caught you will more than likely, get imprisoned.

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It would disrupt the checks and balances of the government's branches

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having no useful result....

How did bottom turn into a donkey in mid summer nights dream?

Bottom, a character in "A Midsummer Night's Dream," gets transformed into a donkey by the mischievous Puck as a result of a spell cast by Puck on behalf of Oberon, the Fairy King. This transformation is part of the magical mischief and chaos that occurs in the play, adding to the comedic elements and misunderstandings that drive the plot.

What was the result of the delegates' application of Montesquieu's philosophy of government?

Republican form of government with three equal branches.

Which of these terms is the result of having too little of a product to meet the demand for it?

Scarcity is the result of having too little of a product to meet the demand for it.

What is the result of having car?

a car note

Why do boys have short hair?

This is a tradition that is the result of military involvement of men. Having short hair was more hygienic and it simply caught on and became fashion. men all over the world and throughout history have more often had long hair then short.